The Sky Strike from the Horizon Above (28)

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After their griefs and sorrow, it resulted with Shaman who was not wanting to attend the next district fight due to the risk that came with failure with it, has now set those deathly feelings away and joined Dartz and Delya in their fight with the help of Rigel. Now this raid on the Hioru District was with 3 conquerors including the new coming along with Rigel who shall be their safeguard as three individuals step into the portal that brought them into the Hioru District. They all step into the world and found themselves on one of the many platforms in the Arena as it seems there is no safe platform for Rigel to stay safe on, but all of them had taken notice of a small being. Bob the Box Cat, was standing in front of them as he seem to be angry at them and pointed at them before speaking.

Bob yelled at them. "How dare you harm Aika-sama, you will regret harming her, and especially you, the purple one! I will strike you all down in this fight! Since she isn't here to stop you now! I will deal with you personally the way I wanted now!" Bob jumps off the platform into the abyss below. 

Rigel felt the world changed around them as he sense the energy in the world seemed to be more enhanced than the usual district they had to attend in the previous district. He felt the energy pooling above them all as he looked up at the sky. "Everyone! Get off the platform now!" He quickly grab Shaman who was closest to him and quickly toss her across the platform into another one.

Dartz without hesitation jumped onto the next platform without batting an eye at whatever Rigel saw as she quickly turn to look at Rigel and Deyla. As she was with Shaman on the same platform as she didn't need to worry about too much Shaman's safety.

Deyla had to separate herself to a different platform as she got onto the platform that differ from Dartz, and Shaman. She quickly took a glance up at the sky to see a satellite charging energy into a single point to fire at the platform they were previously on. 

Rigel quickly tries to jump to the next platform with Dartz and Shaman, but he jumped just a little bit too late as the beam was fired from the satellite and quickly rip through his entire left arm causing him to flinch heavily making him fail to jump properly as he crashes himself onto the platform edge. With his one arm, he somehow managed to grip the edge of the platform as the platform that was fired upon was gone from existence like his arm, and surprisingly he managed to pull himself up with his arm to try to get onto the platform.

Shaman quickly hurries over the edge of the platform to pull him up from the edge. She grips tightly onto his hand and the clothes of Rigel as she pulled him up. "You okay!? I mean like how badly you feeling" She saw that the entire left arm including a small part of his upper body was completely destroyed by the beam shots from the satellites as she saw a charred yet bloody Rigel standing in front of her.

Rigel smiled at Shaman to ensure her from being too overly worrisome "I'm good enough, for now, just pay attention to fight right now!" He was clearly in great pain but they will certainly not die, for he is not like them. He didn't think he will get injured so early into the raid and he needs to keep his promise this time around. He turn to look at Deyla as he took another glance at the weapon above them.

Deyla already knew what is going to happen next as she ran to her next platform without a single doubt that the next attack will be on her platform, and taking a glance behind her she saw the satellite destroyed the platform behind her and began to speed up as instead of attacking each platform one by one it just began beaming through as it began to rotate to her platform next. 

The group that Deyla wasn't with saw that the platform that was destroyed before was respawning back into reality as they had a gut feeling that it would make the right choice to join onto the next platform before it reached theirs. Shaman, Dartz, and Rigel hopped onto the next platform that respawned and Deyla quickly made their way to them as the platform simply circle them back together. Now together like they were in the beginning they were ready to see what is the next event that will happen now that satellite stopped rotating onto each platform. 

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