A Heart of a Thunder and the Soul of a blue sky (44)

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Shaman was standing on top of a train station platform staring down at Dartz who was below the platform height in the water. "Dartz, I know you wanted to make your own choices, but if it involves us in those choices, then you must understand that we need to understand what is going on. This isn't some secret that we need to keep between us. We aren't companies, or governments, or anything like that. We're friends. Yet you toss one of us into the hands of unknown people for a chance to bring your idea into reality."

Dartz slowly stood up onto the water's surface. "I'm sorry. Why do we need to do this? I know what I did was wrong." She felt her left arm where she was kicked by Shaman's roundhouse kick and felt that her arm seemed to hurt quite a bit. 

Shaman held her hand onto her heart. "I need to do this. My heart is telling me that we need to settle it now... I don't really want to hurt you but something deep inside my heart is telling me that I need to do it. I lost so much, that I didn't know what to do back then. I didn't want to lose any more memories. I didn't want to forget everything. Yet I still chose to go... and lost it all more than ever before. I would cry on the inside every day. I lost more than everyone else here." She began to shed tears as she tried to wipe away the tears. "I didn't want to leave everyone here behind... I chose to stay with you guys. Even if I lost it all, I would still stay by your guys' side. I felt comfortable staying by your guys' side, even with the grim thoughts and dreadful death inside me. I did waver time from to time but I wanted to stay. Rigel provided that safety net for us all, yet you took him away from all of us! Rigel was always trying to be there for us when we needed help... yet you took him away." Shaman climbs down from the platform of the train station. "I know. I saw. I felt your pain when you lost yourself too. I'm not going to deny the fact you suffered too but right now. I am right now. I must see that you're going to use us to save Aika or work with us to save Aika. Your resolve is weak! Dartz!" She gets into a battle stance as her emotion gets into a control state. "Talking with each other will not get us there, now let's deal with it like men. No running away and also I nearly forgot I was once a man." 

Dartz was seeing this new side of Shaman coming out. "I..." She felt like couldn't say anything to change the mind of Shaman. She thought about her situation and then she looked at Shaman. She slowly ready herself into a fighting stance. "I will not run away."

Shaman simply said. "Good." She suddenly jumps forward at Dartz.

Dartz dodges out of the way. She managed to get out of the way of Shaman's charge but felt the air shifted. She quickly spotted Shaman twirl in a spiral motion and felt a fist in her face. She was sent flying away and landed on the train track. She flinched in pain from landing on her back on the hard metal track and quickly saw that Shaman was already over her body preparing to land an axe kick. Dartz covered her face as the kick landed the strike and the pain spiked throughout her arms. Dartz took the opportunity and kicked Shaman's other leg since they were on one foot sending them off balance. Dartz quickly rolled out onto her feet and looked at Shaman. "Were you always this fast?" 

Shaman recovered quickly from the low kick that made her fall off balance and then took a look at Dartz. "Still talking." The rain was picking up faster as the stormy sea began to shake under them and around their legs yet somehow they were all still standing normally in the sea. "Dartz, it doesn't matter what I do. No matter how fast I am, I still fell victim to the district fight." 

Dartz seemed slightly confused because Shaman didn't answer her question directly but was able to understand what she meant by that. "I know. Even I did too." She began to activate her power as her dimensional abilities and general power-up were now going to be ready for Shaman's next move. 

Shaman nodded. "Dartz... you fell victim and yet you created more victims of us all. You still talking about your choices, your ideas, your experience even though we all agree to work together to better us all." She pushes one of her legs against the ground. "I know you're trying to sympathize and empathize with me but your way of going about it is causing us more trouble than the bonds we have together." She glared into the eyes of Dartz. "Being a victim doesn't mean anything because all of us have something, being a victim doesn't grant you the choice to make others into your tools. Rigel, was there to help us not become the victims of our circumstances. Yet you took him away from us...took him away from me! My life! My memories! Because you want to selfishly complete your goals of not letting anyone else suffer yet all of us still paid that price! I know you want to protect us all but going it all alone without us means nothing!" She blitzes toward Dartz and strikes at Dartz.

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