Consume by the Horizon (12)

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Everyone dodged in time, but only Rigel and Shaman had a small minor cut from the laser hitting them and it seems it only small cut Shaman naturally pretty face and Rigel meanwhile had a small cut on his left arm.  

Rigel smiled and talk "It seems like you can show off more than you let on don't you"

Bob reply "Well then how much can you uncover this round then." The music officially started as the Airship was firing more than before ever was. This time the Airship was flying all around this time making certain areas of the air even significantly harder to survive.

Dartz flew to the easier side of the fight then try fly outside of the fight area on the side but a foresight of her hitting a kill wall suddenly appeared in her head which probably from the jetpack suit as she hard turn away near the invisible kill wall as she saw a small tint of red grind wall coming into being when she approach it. "It going contain us in huh" She try to fly alongside the side of the wall.

Shaman stay near the front middle of the field as she wheeve through gaps where the bullet are missing boosting hard on the jetpack suit to prepare herself for the final touch on the Airship as they told by a messages.

Tiger stay near the rear of the group to make sure to support anyone who would get hit would get immendited help as they need ensure at least everyone make through this one.  

Rigel instead of staying behind the entire group moved into the middle of the group, as he purposely keep a eye out for Bob and what he might do.  

Dartz has been flying ahead of everyone on the edge of the battlefield, she had the least amount of trouble as she sped closer to the Airship area but also remain far enough to not get blasted by Bob like Shaman did in the earlier round. 

Bob seem a bit angry "It seem like, whatever you lots gain is really getting on my nerves" Airship began to glow in bluish hue and fired faster bullets at all of them.

Rigel and everyone seemly began to get better at their dodging skill as the Jetpack suit began to glow in blue hue as it seem the Horizon Energy was used to improved everyone's ability to fight this district. 

Shaman smiled and flew closer to the Airship but avoid going any closer than she did before, and a small blue hue can be seen on her face where her cut was and it began to healed her.

It seem this Horizon Energy that was infused to everyone from Rigel is giving them all the abilities to handle this fight without a single problem despite how the fight was completely ramped up from before. 

Rigel was glowing in blue light as he seem to releasing a lot of energy from his own body as it seem flow toward everyone he with, as it is supplying them all the nesseary powers for this fight. 

Tiger instead of staying near the rear anymore, flew over to Dartz to catch up as it seem now the Rigel has pair up closer Shaman and since if anything happen to one of them they should able to help each other so Tiger head closer to Dartz to do the same if anything happen. 

Bob upset from the lack of failures among them as he relasese more the Airship capability to force them to lose the fight, as missiles began to track them from behind them if it misses, the bullets began to separated into two from a single bullet to cover even more gaps in between them and the laser are pin point firing at each one of them. Finally a single shots hit on Tiger in the arm but it seems something is wrong to Bob's eyes "Are you nuffying their pain?!, Rigel!" 

Tiger went onward not flinching from the hit but mentally Tiger felt it for sure as she talk to herself "That shot took a chunk out of my arm, but it didn't hurt a bit... Rigel is pushing himself for us" She began to realize that her arm is healing as a blue hue of energy is repairing it.

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