A star that settles beyond the Horizon (31)

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The final fight of the district finally begins. The conquerors are once again all together, ready to dance one last time with Bob the Box Cat. All it seems has begun once more as they were at the beginning of the district fight, the classic bullet hell began once more. The platform of the circular design was placed in 4 different areas like a cross with a small circle platform that leads them to the next with Bob the Box Cat standing directly on a small platform in the middle of the 4 surrounding bigger platform circles. The Ship where the unknown individuals who had helped the Conquerors have slowly drifted off as they can no longer support due to the close range where the fight was going to start as they wished not to interfere nor weaken the Conquerors which could threaten their ability to win the district of Hioru. Soon the bullet hell was different from before as they began firing off in different directions in special shapes and forms. Instead of waves of pure bullets now it fires walls of bullets that spin from the circle as it was showing off music alongside it in the district world of Hioru. The walls of the bullet make it impossible to dodge in between instead forcing the conquerors to follow the pattern of the spinning wall of bullets. 

Shaman was jumping to the next platform as she came to recognize the pattern and music. "I remember this. I think I remember this, this is the original Hioru's district bullet hell." She seemly grows in confidence as she gracefully dodges the bullet that is flying at her. As she also remembers that the platform that all of them stand on will have their center begin spewing out bullets in 360 degrees although they post a threat they're slow moving.

Deyla had her way of doing the fight as she divert from the path that the others are doing since when she did this Hioru District back at their old reality of Earth when it was simply only just a game. She had made her plans as she already founded another way to get around the fight.

Dartz too had similar plans to both Shaman and Deyla as she too made her way around the fight as the Bullet switched differently into a flat laser-like wall that rotated around from the center. Although the previous bullets are still firing off. Dartz although had her works around the fight her plans were a lot closer to Shaman's ways of doing the Hioru District as they were in the past working together on this district. 

This Hioru District was bringing back old memories of the District despite the fact some of them had lost memories of the past. Were the memories coming back to them or have they yet to lose them maybe this fight specifically bring for their memories. No matter how the 3 conquerors deal with this District, they are showing a clear sign that they remember the past of this district. While Rigel here has no memories for he doesn't belong here. Although he may not belong to the group he doesn't seem to be hindered by the fact this is a fight that belongs to the past of the 3 conquerors. He made most of the progress following the 3 in different orders which he seems to find most optimized for himself. 

Bob suddenly spoke to them. "It seems you guys are taking this all a bit too easy won't you say? I don't why but I have a feeling that this all might be too familiar to you all. I would like to spice it all up for fun!" He began adding his spin to the bullet hell district that still retains the original ones. "Enjoy this feast of this district!" He added a short curving laser wall that rotates faster than the original laser wall that will force them to jump and bullets that twirl in a circle directly at them to break the originality a bit more but in addition to that, he also increased the speed too.

From afar stood white and pink clothes with golden pink hue armor unknown individual who was floating in the air as she was watching the fight from far beyond the normal scope of any normal individual views. She closely observed the fight between the conquerors and the ship as she spoke to herself. "It seems they have a handle on this situation now." She was standing far beyond the horizon so that no one will even spot her. "Hm~ I guess my work is done here, for now, ~" She turn away and float through the air as she was striving through the water on her feet as she dissappeared into thin air. 

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