The Box Cat (10)

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Rigel and the rest were caught off guard by the sudden force of the song starts right away as the huge airship they saw in front of them began to move as it charges straight at them. Rigel with his quick thinking grab Dartz in the air and use their Jetpack suit on them to help quickly toss them out of the way before tackling himself into Shaman and Tiger to knock them aside in the air.  "We need to get used to this right now before we get hit" Rigel doesn't seem to recognize the new things that are happening in front of them.

Dartz doesn't seem to recognize it right away but it seems to click them right away how the jetpack suit is acting like their mind, so if she wished to move left she will move to the side where she wanted to be at. She flew to Rigel and them with no seemly problems and talk to them. "Use the jetpack suit with your mind and it will follow your mind." 

Shaman and Tiger did the same as they soon began to fly on their own around the sky where the airship roar through the sky and seem to get ready to shoot them, but then more sound could be heard afar. 

The white fox-girl is no longer able to be seen on top of the airship but instead, it is the small box cat who took its place and look at them from the top of the airship, and yet somehow his voice can be heard from afar. "I'm Bob the box cat and the captain of the Aircraft ship here" The small black box cat with a small suit with a small captain's hair on top of their head and he smiled "Ready to lose!" Airship soon began to fly backward despite its design giving it no ability to fly backward but it began firing a huge amount of bullets at them all with all shapes and sizes.  Soon behind everyone was a loud noise they heard early and it was a red kill wall that was easily recognizable to anyone who had play game that force player to move and if they don't and death was there for them.

The group was stuck in between a wall of death and a bullet hell as their time are going to run them down into their death. Everyone quickly flew straight at the bullet-hell in the hope they can dodge the bullets. Rigel lags behind them as he tries to activate his power to ensure they won't lose memories, Dartz and Shaman force themselves ahead of the group, and Tiger herself stuck herself in between Rigel and the two ahead of her. Rigel felt a huge burden of responsibility on himself now since this bullet hell district will break his focus, which will allow their death to become more dangerous as each death they could experience will jeopardize the memories they had of their previous lives because he is now included in the raid, unlike the two districts they completed beforehand. Soon on their jetpack suit, a small screen appeared in front of them. It read "To complete Zeshir District, you must survive throughout the entire song, and upon completing the song 10 seconds are opening for two individuals to touch the wings of the Aircraft with the suit and failure to do so within the 10 seconds the song will repeat till all individuals become F-sj!A]~x.vka>e%."  All sudden the texts were unreadable and it seem their lives at the end seem all the more dreadful now after that small notices.

The Box-cat Bob was heard from afar behind a wave of bullet hell that the aircraft was firing at them. "Hmm, it seems like you guys are handling it quite well but your buddy in white and blue seems to have some trouble. You guys wouldn't mind if I made it a bit harder on your buddy there" Then a new type of bullet was fired from the airship as they were homing straight at Rigel.

Rigel noticed it and try to fly out of the way while trying to keep the focus on and then to needs to dodge the regular oncoming bullet but all of the sudden one the homing bullet that aims at Rigel struck him in the side while he was dodging and all sudden loss a huge amount of speed as his mind was in shock from the pain as he nearly lost himself into the wall behind them.

Tiger quickly flew back while avoiding the bullets and grab Rigel and flew back near the group while trying to catch up to the airship. "That was close" Tiger hold tightly unto him as she flew up and down to avoid some bullet hell and go through gaps.

Shaman saw what happened to Rigel as she try to boost ahead to catch up to the Airship but it seems that she was already catching up.

Dartz slowed down a bit to try to help Tiger carry Rigel while in mid-flight.

Bob smiled a bit more and talk to Shaman "Oh aren't you getting a bit too close aren't you~" Without a single warning a huge laser quickly charges up and fired into Shaman and quickly blasted her into nothingness but since the laser was huge everyone else in the back saw it fired and manage to dodge out of the way.

Rigel has spoken "It seem like we have to wait out the entire song because it seems like the music here is what keeps the aircraft's ability to keep it continuous firing and quickly... so that why we need to survive the entire song... It is not at all too different in the rules of the previous district." 

Bob was looking at them from afar "Well then shall we fired another set of homing missiles at them. Another huge wave of bullets seems to home on everyone instead of just Rigel this time.

Tiger is unable to dodge more effectively while holding Rigel and took a hit in the leg and lost complete control and let control of Rigel. As she tries to hold onto her flight but while doing so she was struck in the chest but the regular bullet and fell out of the sky into the abyss below. 

Dartz boosts herself out of the way and tries to dodge the homing missiles that locked onto her because as soon she dodges it and lets it go past her it stops tracking after her. Dartz tries to hold get a hold of herself from getting distracted by the homing missiles. 

Rigel couldn't keep up anymore, the wound he had sustained earlier was getting to him as he had slowed down in speed so much that the wall of death is about to touch him if he wasn't keeping his speed up. As his mind went through his thoughts "Damn't!... If I wasn't wounded now, I might have prevented their death but... I can't keep up anymore..." He takes a look a Dartz and saw how to determine Dartz was trying as he tries to boost his speed. 

Bob however didn't let Rigel have another chance to and instead of firing homing missiles this time, it was a pinpoint laser that fired straight at Rigel. As Bob the Box Cat mutter under their breath. "Aikasuyuri-sama told me to watch you very closely" 

Rigel didn't have a single moment to dodge his mind being clutter from the many tasks he place himself in and perish from the laser strike. As his body flutters out of the sky into the abyss from the shot.

Dartz saw what happen and quickly flew down to grab a whole of Rigel in a panic. As she was about to grab him before disappearing into the abyss, she needed at least one other individual to complete the challenge and maybe she thought he might have still been alive and they complete it in one run. Before her eyes, as she barely grabs Rigel's hand the abyss below quickly ate away at him as she knew before her own eyes that it was too late. With no other choice, she followed Rigel into the abyss and let herself be consumed.

Bob smiled "That one run for them over. Now let see how many more they can take~" With that the world reset itself.

-End of Chapter-

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