The one who doesn't trust (14)

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Rigel jumped down from the top of the Train Station, and look at this individual. "Hmm, what do you mean?" Rigel is asking this individual

The blue with headphones replies "Well what you are isn't that of a real person, nor anything compares to anyone" She was seemly rude to Rigel as she look directly at him

Rigel in confusion "What are you trying to get at? Are you saying I'm not alive as you?" He now knows that this individual was just like Dartz and the rest and then asks them a question "Tell me, who you are first before we dive deeper into your conversation.

She sighs as she faces palm her face. "Well you're just like those NPC so I do not need to tell you" 

Rigel realized it as he thought about it in his head. "Oh, this person is that kind of person." Then he calmly spoke to her. "Well it doesn't matter to me whether you believe I'm real or not but how did you get here."

She refused to answer. "Well, I won't be telling you how I arrived in Horizon Ward" 

"Huh, you're here?" Shaman suddenly appeared into the world as she traveled to Horizon Ward. She walked toward her and Rigel, as she looked Rigel "What happen here, it seems you're not doing well with Consta here"

Consta talks to Shaman "Oh it Shaman, well I don't like to speak to NPC, simply because I don't trust them." She didn't care whether Rigel was there or not as she was being rude to Rigel.

Shaman felt uncomfortable by the situation "Uh, Consta... Rigel here is our friend despite who he is" 

Consta was a bit shock "Friend, well you do you, but I don't trust those that are not real people" She sigh but seem reluctant by the idea of what Shaman befriending an individual, not like them.

Rigel felt the weird tension as he sighs "Consta, I know you don't trust me but don't worry about me if you can trust Shaman." 

Shaman walked over to Rigel and apologized "Sorry about Consta's rudeness but I don't why he doesn't trust your type of being"

Rigel waved his hand in the sign of forgiveness "Please don't worry about it, It's just that she hasn't trusted me yet, and besides we don't even know what she has been through"

Consta overheard them a bit "Please don't refer to me as a girl? after all I was once a man"

Rigel replies "Well, I think I should refer to you as a girl simply because it is easier and I can see that you're a girl"

Consta reply back in a stern voice "Don't make me repeat myself, although I may be in a girl body now, I still see myself as a man from before, after getting trap in this game of VRC"

Shaman just sat there as she didn't want to get into the arguments as she try to change the topic a bit. "Well, Consta just believe me that Rigel here is safe and that we need to tell the rest that you have arrived."

Consta sigh and agree with Shaman, as everyone traveled to The Tiger's refuge. Dartz and Tiger then meet Consta and got into their little reunion together as they spend together talking about their situation about being in this world of VRC. As Consta and the rest were talking in the living room at Tiger's place. Consta has spoken to her realization "You're telling me that Rigel here has saved you guys many times and that Aika is our enemy?" She thought about it more then ask something else. "First, I want to go back into the beginning, so you guys said that you all woken up in your homeworld right?"

The three beside Rigel nodded 

Consta added more to her question "Well I was woken up in a different world that wasn't my home world, it was in Luxury Bedroom that I was woken up in. Also, it seems like you have been awake for weeks already or something like that while I was only woken up just 4 days ago but even It hard to keep track of time anymore" She sighs as she thinks about it more "Well have you guys eaten anything yet?"

Everyone but Rigel reacted.

Tiger has spoken "Now you said that I realized that I haven't even eaten anything at all nor had a hunger" Tiger was perplexed by the question as she knows she has kitchen room but had nothing in terms of food.

Shaman thought about it "It's weird, now thinking about it not once I came to the thought of eating or ever going to eat. "

Dartz asks Consta "Have you ever eaten anything?"

Consta replies "Yes, I have the food cooking world on my menu, although I had to cook simple fries since I can't cook an actual pizza or other food there. Though I have been eating my fill of food for 3 days now and never had any urge to use the bathroom as well."

Rigel suddenly cut in to explain as an outsider to them "Well it seems you guys do not require previous bodily needs or sustain to fulfilled your previous life nor do any of your attend needs"

Shaman suddenly adds to Rigel's explanation with an enigma and fluster a bit "Well I took a bathroom break... and saw that I can take leak anytime I want"

Tiger comment on Shaman's added "Well that means we do not abide by normals means of our previous life. So it seems we can don't need to eat, nor excrete any bodily until we wanted it to happen, but it also seems we can eat as much as we want without having any bodily issues." Tiger felt so weirded out by the idea so much as she began to have fizzed of mist above her head.

Consta then explain more things that are yet to be told to everyone "Also I found out there are NPC like Rigel out there too" 

Rigel sighed on the remark on Consta referring to him as an NPC

Tiger protected Rigel "Hey! Don't refer to Rigel as NPC he is alive just like us" Tiger was not happy about Rigel referring as an NPC and wanted to protect him.

Consta response back "Being Alive doesn't matter as long we are stuck here, they will just act as much they were used to program to do so, although I will admit to the fact that he indeed save you guys it doesn't remove the fact that he is an NPC. After all the other NPC I met was only acting as much they used to be a program to do until they ran out of bound where I can't even travel" He looks at Rigel "I don't know what kind of NPC you are, it doesn't matter what you have done so far, all your action could all be pre-program for you to lead us to something we don't even know. After all, you don't even know your true end goal after you save Aika"

Rigel looked down a bit and explain to Consta "Yes, that may be true that I don't know why I'm doing all of this without any memories of before your guys arrival but the only thing I have to go off on, is the feeling inside me to do what is needed to be done."

Consta rolled his head around a bit "See, you are most likely just following whatever instruction that you are program with and that I don't trust you NPC being alive nor acting in free will. So whatever you doing might just drag us into a deeper hole where we might never crawl back out." Consta looks away from Rigel. "I will not simply follow a being like you who never knows where he comes from nor a thing that ever understands himself."

Tiger grabs Consta by her sweater collar as Tiger seems anger by Consta's disregard of Rigel's existence. "Have you ever consider that we might be in the same place as Rigel! After all, we are not even the same human anymore and Shaman here is a Fox-girl" Tiger let go off Consta "Sorry for being so rough with you but I can't stand by and let you insult my friend's livelihood by saying he is not a person who can't be alive just as much as us." Tiger looks at Dartz then back at Consta. "Consta, everyone here besides you had time with him and we can admit that he can change, he can grow as a person and he can make choices that can impact our choices or chance at bullet hell but I will not disregard the fact that he might have followed a pre-program but we can't prove it without a 100% fact that he is following them."  Tiger added one thing "Dartz has seen that he too can cry just like the rest of us and that isn't enough to show that he can experience everything like us and are you saying it is not enough to be alive just like us" 

Consta sighs heavily "Fine, I will not call him as NPC anymore if that makes you guys happy but don't blame me if he leads all of us into hell we will never escape from. I will still by what I said but for now, I will go along with you guys after all we need more information about this life we gotten ourselves stuck in." Consta got up from the chair and look at Rigel "Rigel, I will be watching you now because I still don't trust you" She walked over to another room.

Rigel sat where he was on the sofa and spoken to Dartz, Shaman, and Tiger. "I'm sorry if I had caused tension among your friendship."

-End of Chapter-

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