Maelstorm (17)

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After a long walk to the monolithic, the group of three looked at the massive monolithic as they wonder what it was supposed to be. 

Consta touching the monolithic "This thing has a weird property" It seems to ooze black sand-like feels and powder upon the touch of the monolithic.

Dartz didn't want to touch the monolithic as she walked around the area, as she checked the for anything that looks suspicious about this thing they are in front of.

Tiger walked over to Consta and ask about the situation. "So this monolithic has powder of some sort on it or something?" Tiger felt something behind her as she turn to look and saw nothing she thought she had felt was behind them.

Dartz came around the corner on the other side of the monolithic after giving it a check around the thing. "I don't see anything around this thing but it seems like it is just a structure here with nothing to do."

Consta believed there was something here "Well there's much something here, we can't just have monolithic here for nothing."

Tiger added onto Dartz in agreement against Consta's ideas "Well it could just be a beauty of this world, after all, back in the game world...well you know what I mean, that there will a lot of worlds that were just places where you can hang out so maybe this world is just that."

Consta somewhat agrees with Tiger. "That may be true, but not always especially this world because we didn't even get a name register in our menu for this one.

Tiger nodded "True, well then this world must have something that prevents us from seeing it" 

Consta looked at Dartz "Well then, Purple mute can you come here?"

Dartz walked over as she looked at Consta

Consta without single regard grabbed Dartz by the neck in such a forceful manner and pulled her down to her knee. 

Tiger grabs Consta's left shoulder "Hey! what are you doing-"

Consta shook Tiger grab and told Tiger and Dartz "The real Dartz wouldn't have such a normal looked on their face if I called them a purple mute, after all, I never once call Dartz that, and rarely does anyone a way of getting their attention you thing wanna be fake Dartz" Consta smiled "This is why I never trust anything in this reality who can try to hide among us and beside Dartz would be smarter and replying to us earlier to us."

The fake Dartz smiled and broke into black sand powder.

Tiger looked around them as she back up to Consta "Well it seems that I managed to grab Dartz off guard earlier I assumed when Dartz went around the thing, and looks like this thing will be unleashing its full force on us." 

Consta looks around as puts her back against Tiger "Well whatever we got ourselves into now, we need to figure out what is going to happen, this isn't like bullet hell we face back there, and also none of us have any special abilities like Dartz beside I hope Dartz can manage to get out on her own."

The black sand around them began to shuffle as it began to rumble more, as it shake the ground beneath them, as black sand around began to grow and take a humanoid and monstrous look as it looks at them.  

Tiger looks at her feet and sees that the sand below them is slowly grabbing them before pulling Consta away as she had enough strength to pull Consta onto a rock nearby. "It seems we will be stuck here while this sand powder thingy is doing whatever it is doing."

Consta looks at the black sand creature that is forming while on top of a rock. "They don't look like anything familiar" She turns to look at Tiger "We should leave right here and now"

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