chapter | 05

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One week had passed after their meeting. They both got busier, so they didn't had a time a setup a meeting again. But still they talked to each others through phone, they had exchanged their number in the meeting before.

They didn't talk much, just hey , hello, how's your day, good morning, good night etc. Normal conversation that's it, but they feel like they were getting closer day by day.

Taehyung was sitting in his studio going through his schedule when Jeongguk called him.

"Hey Tae" yes Jeongguk call him tae, they were already in nickname term. For them they were friends so they can call each other with nickname.

Taehyung's heart fluttered when Jeongguk call him. "Hey gguk"  so did Jeongguk heart.

"What are you doing?" Jeongguk asked him, he wanted to meet other so he decided to call other to ask him if he was free or not.

"Nothing, I was just looking at my schedule. What about you?" Taehyung asked putting his schedule aside and stood up. He had a habit of walking while talking. ( If that makes sense? )

" Just wanted to ask you if you're free then let's have a dinner together" Taehyung bit his lips stoping himself from yelling a yes.

"I'm free let's have a dinner together" Taehyung said now wanted the time to pass quickly. " Okay then I'll pick you up, bye" "bye" he hung up.

"Taehyung called mina "Hey Taehyung". "Hey mina, I'm going on a dinner tonight. Do I have any work" he asked hoping he didn't have. Hey wanted to go on a dinner.

"No, and with whom you are going" mina asked already guessing who was the other. "Jeongguk" he said smiling shyly, he didn't know why he was acting like talking about his crush, but he didn't really cared about it. He was really happy to have a idol friend.

"Oh okay, but I don't want to see you on news tommorow, so stay alert okay." Taehyung assured her he would   not going to be on news tommorow.

He checked his outfit and he was satisfied with what he was wearing. He already had a box of make-up so he did his make-up.

He checked the time it was seven-thirty. He still got a half an hour left. He again checked himself for the last and went downstairs at the entrance to wait for him.

After exactly half an hour, he saw a black mercedes. His phone ringed , he saw at the caller id, it says Jeongguk.

"Hey I'm outside" Jeongguk said. I'm also at the entrance and I can see your car" Taehyung said. He saw Jeongguk pulled his car window down and waved him a little, he also waved him with a smile.

"Hey" Taehyung said once he got inside the car and Jeongguk said the same smiling. "So where do you wanna go?" Jeongguk asked starting his car. Taehyung was so much into looking around the car he missed what Jeongguk asked.

Jeongguk looked at him when he got no response, he laughed lightly when he saw Taehyung looking around a car like he was in for the first time. Not for the first time but it was the first time for Taehyung to ride on mercedes.

He could also afford expensive cars but he chose not to instead he donate his half of the money for the one who was in need.

Jeongguk cleared his thought catching Taehyung's attention. He saw Taehyung cheeks flushed from embarrassment. He scolded himself, he really need to control himself. And Jeongguk found that really cute, he saw Taehyung sparkling eyes when he him looking around he found that absolutely adorable. Gosh! he wanted to pinch his cheeks.

"So I was asking, where do you want to go" Jeongguk asked him, Taehyung thought a little "I want to go beach side, it's not crowded these days, if it's okay with you" Taehyung said looking at him with his adorable eyes.

Jeongguk wanted to coo at the other, he was looking so innocent. "No it's fine with me" Jeongguk drove to the beach.

After reaching they ordered something to eat, that was true there was not really many people. Only few teenagers. Some stalls were already closed. They ate in silence, they chose a restaurant which was not crowded, there were only few people. And for their luck no one recognized them as they were wearing masks.

They decided to stroll at the beach. Cold breeze passed through them making their hair dance in the air. They laughed at each other's messy hair .They both were feeling relaxed and content in each other's company.

They both went into comfortable silence. Jeongguk slid his hand and hold other's. Taehyung looked at him shyly. "I hope it's okay" Jeongguk whispered looking at him. Taehyung nodded, they both stared at each other deep into eyes which holds so many emotions. Both of their hearts started to beat fast, cheeks flushed.

Jeongguk lifted his free hand to cup Taehyung cheek, Taehyung closed his eyes when other started to caressing his cheek. They both were so lost, loving the moment in peace where no one can see. They both were so lost they didn't notice the change in the weather.

Dark clouds started to form, at that moment whole beach was cleared. All stalls were closed and people already left when they noticed weather but they both didn't want to let go each other.

Only they both were left on the other side of the beach, Taehyung suddenly flinched when he heard loud sound of lightning. He opened his eyes as he started panicking, hands started searching for someone. His mind went blank, he even forgot he was with Jeongguk.

Jeongguk pulled him to his chest holding him tightly between his arms when he saw other was panicking, he started to worry about other's condition. He never saw anyone in panicked state so he didn't know what to do, so he just did what he thought was best he hugged him tightly.

Taehyung cried when he feel arms around him, he felt safe he snuggled  closer to him. Jeongguk pulled a little when he feel other stops shaking.

He wiped his tears with his thumb, Taehyung face was red from crying, he was still sniffling. "Let's go home okay" Jeongguk said softly. Taehyung nodded as he tighted the hold. Jeongguk understood that he want to stay closer so he put his arms around his shoulder and pulled his body to his. He rubbed his shoulder softly as they walked over Jeongguk's car.

He opened the passenger door and made him sit and walked to other side. He quickly started his car, not wanting Taehyung outside in this weather.

"I don't want to be alone" Taehyung whispered, anyone can barely hear what he was saying but Jeongguk did. He looked at other. Taehyung lift his face from his lap and looked at Jeongguk.

"I don't want to stay alone at h-home" Taehyung again started sobbing badly. He was afraid to be alone in his house that time. He was afraid of nightmares, he was afraid of figures he see, he didn't want to be alone with those bad people. He cried. Jeongguk stopped his car and hold other hand "shh, he look at me, you're not alone look at me. I'm here with you, for you petal. Stop crying you're not alone"  Jeongguk pulled him on his lap and hold him to his chest, whispering soothing words. After few minutes Taehyung calmed down.

Jeongguk pulled from his when he heard soft snores. He saw Taehyung was asleep still whimpering in his sleeps. He didn't know what happened to other, what made him like this. But one thing he knew he want comfort and he would give him what he wants. He would always stay with other to hold him. He promised himself. He knew what were the feelings he started to feel in his heart, but he didn't want to name it soon.

For now he wanted to focus on present. He lifted Taehyung, he started whimpering, he shushed him " hey I'm here, go to sleep I'm here".

He made him sit like a baby both leg each side holding him to his chest and started driving slowly. He was breaking rule but he didn't care, Taehyung was more important for him.

He sighed when he felt Taehyung went limp again in his hold and drove to his home, there was no way he was letting him alone, never.

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