chapter | 19

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"wakie wakie"

Taehyung whispered in Jeongguk ears shaking him gently. After few more attempts Jeongguk finally woke up groaning, sleeping in couch was a bad choice.

"Wake up" Taehyung said and pulled him making him sit on the couch.

"Time?" Jeongguk asked rubbing his eyes.

" It's 2:15 pm, oh and remember the meeting" Taehyung said.

"Yeah I remember, let me freshen up then we'll go" Jeongguk said walking to their bedroom as Taehyung was already ready.

After a while Jeongguk came downstairs. "Wanna eat something" Taehyung asked but Jeongguk shakes his head as no.

They made their way to Go won with no idea for what they were called. Maybe Jeongguk had slight but Taehyung was clueless.

Taehyung started humming the song which was playing on radio while Jeongguk just smiled.

They reached fast than they thought because of less traffic. They were still couple so Jeongguk hold Taehyung hand as they made their way to office.

"Oh Mr. Jeon and Mr. Kim, please come this way" a staff member greeted them and guided them.

Go won was looking at some papers when they came inside. "Hello" they both said. "Oh hello, come sit here I was waiting for you both" Go won said and told the staff to bring drinks.

The staff member came and set the drinks on the table and left. "So, why did you call us" Taehyung asked, when he felt the air around the room pretty tensed.

"Uhm, I'm going to ask directly do you guys are in relationship?" Go won asked directly, they both went stiff, but quickly composed themselves.

"Of course we are a couple" Taehyung said.

"I'm not saying this way" Go won said.

"Taehyung will be fine, but I didn't understand what you mean" Taehyung said nervously. He was panicking inside at the sudden question. While, Jeongguk was sitting silently somehow expecting this.

"Taehyung I'm saying do you both perhaps like each other, like in mean romantically." Go won said that's when Jeongguk decided to butt in.

"Why are you asking this things ms. Go won? We are couple doing a show ofcourse we would act like couple, if that's why you're doubting us" Jeongguk said with poker face.

Go won just looked at them both silently.

"Well you're not allowed to kiss, then explain this" Go won said, she knew Jeongguk how cunning he was, that's why she only asked them when she had proof.

She showed both the video of them kissing on the couch.

Taehyung gasped and looked at Jeongguk. Jeongguk just stayed like before.

When both of them didn't say anything she continued.

" Look both of you are mature enough to make your decision, I know it's not wrong to like each other but you both are breaking rule and I would not tolerate that even if I have no problem but it will distroy your hard work, your image. Think carefully." She paused to look at them.

Taehyung had tears in his eyes, thinking maybe this was their end and he didn't want to live without Jeongguk. Jeongguk was holding his hands rubbing gently to calm him because he knew other was panicking.

Go won face soften when she looked at the couple. But she had to otherwise their career will be in danger.

" Thank God, I am the one who saw that. If director caught that you both would be in trouble. Please, I'm suggesting both of you to stop, you both have long life ahead and you both worked hard to come here where you both are, do you let it fall that easily." She said to clear the point.

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