
5.9K 239 23

3 years later...

Taehyung and Jeongguk step out of the aeroplane at Seoul airport hand in hand. Mask covered their face, hair colours changed.

They finally landed in South Korea after travelling around the world. Jeongguk kept his promise, he took Taehyung all those places for date, Taehyung had chosen for their last date on the show.

As the year passed, their love for each other only grew more and more, at this point they can't stay away for each other.

And also one thing got added in their relationship. Rings, silver rings adorning their ring fingers.

Yes, they got engaged four months ago. It was not really grand but precious moment for us. And funny thing, Jeongguk proposed Taehyung on the day they had their first ever fight.


Taehyung huffed as he hopped on the fluffy bed. He was feeling really angry, upset and frustrated. That was because Jeongguk start to ignore him, and it was ongoing since a week.

An angry tear dropped on the bedsheet as he furiously wiped it. He was going to confront Jeongguk for what reason he was ignoring.

Is he getting annoying now? Or he's getting tired of him?

He really didn't want to think all those thing because he didn't want to doubt Jeongguk's love for him. He knew Jeongguk love him unconditionally like he does. But not having a proper conversation with Jeongguk was making him mad.

Everytime he tried to ask, Jeongguk dodged it. Every fucking time!

He sat up, this time or never, he thought. And as cue the bedroom door opened and Jeongguk walked inside.

Jeongguk smiled at him but Taehyung turned his face like he didn't even see him. He stood up and went inside the bathroom to take a warm shower to clear up his mind.

While taking shower he thought about how to start up conversation without getting into fight, he was really not in the mood of fight or he would end up crying.

On the other hand, Jeongguk went towards their separated closet and bring out a bag, which was carefully hidden on the back, away from Taehyung's eyes.

Hetake out the thing and set it on the bed. It was pink coloured pretty t-shirt. Jeongguk smiled imagining Taehyung in that t-shirt, he really love Taehyung in pink. He looked extra adorable.

He took out his outfit too and started getting ready. It was a important day for Jeongguk he had planning it for a while. Jeongguk wanted to take step forward and he knew Taehyung want too. He looked at the small box on the nightstand. Tonight you're going to your owner, he thought.

Taehyung walked out of the room and saw Jeongguk was getting ready for something. He rolled his eyes as jealousy bubbled inside him. All the calm down crap drown in the water.

"Where are you going to, on date?" Taehyung said.

Jeongguk felt something wrong, but shrugged it. "Yes and yo---"

"I fucking knew it. Who are you going out with Jeongguk tell me am I not enough. Have some shame seriously you're admitting to me you're going on a date with someone" Taehyung looked   in disbelief.

Jeongguk raised his head and looked at Taehyung, confused as he didn't understand what latter was saying.

"What's wrong with you baby, what are y---" he again cut off by Taehyung.

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