chapter | 13

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Next day when Jeongguk woke up, the first think he checked was Taehyung, but he found him nowhere in the house.

He got worried when other didn't pick up his call. He quickly did his morning routine and left for Taehyung's house.

He made a call and informed yugyeom that he was going to Taehyung's house he also asked him to ask mina if she knows where he was, but in reply, he got nothing. Mina also didn't know.

At this point Jeongguk was afraid, 'what ifs' swirled into his head, messing it up.

'Baby where are you? Please be safe'

He parked his car outside the house as he reached. He hurriedly walked to the door and knocked it.

..... No response.

He again knocked, this time with force, he was practically banging at the door.

Thank God, Taehyung house was in less crowded area, or people would have thought he was gone crazy in the morning, banging at someone's door.

He cursed under his breath as he got no response. He walked over a pretty flower pot and lift it. He pick the keys under the pot. Taehyung once told him about the key, in case he need.

He unlocked the door and yelled.


"Taebaby, are you here?"

"Baby please!"

He checked almost every room in the house except his bedroom.

He went inside the bedroom. "Baby please are you here?"

He checked the room. Behind the couch, under the bed, bathroom, in the closet-

Wait closet, he hurriedly walked inside the closet, it was another small room attached with the bedroom.

He roamed his eyes around and his heart stopped as he saw the figure, slumped on the floor, earphones on, shivering, curled up.

"Oh baby" Jeongguk quickly crouched beside him and scooped his baby on his arms.

Taehyung felt someone touching, he freaked out an started screaming and hitting the person. He started crying, trying to protect himself from other.

"Hey, hey, baby it's me. It's ggukie, calm down." Jeongguk pulled his earphone as he hugged him tightly, not minding the harsh kicks and punches he was getting.

Once Taehyung heard his favorite person voice, he stopped.

"G-gukie, ggukie" Taehyung mumbled touching other's face, trying to confirm if he's really his Jeonggukie. His eyes were closed as he was afraid to open.

"Yes baby, your ggukie. Open your eyes, see I'm here" tears rolled down from Taehyung's cheeks as he Jeongguk in front of him.

He jumped on him holding tightly close to him, like he was afraid that Jeongguk will Left him.

Once Jeongguk felt other was calmed down a bit he picked him up bridal style and take him to the bed.

He tried to lay him down but other was not leaving him, tightly clutching to his shirt mumbling no.

"I'm here baby I'm not leaving" he shushed him, and gently laid him down. He also laid beside him. Taehyung quickly latched on him as he laid down.

Jeongguk mumbled sweet in his ears, pecking his forehead occasionally. His one hand was on other's waist and other on his hair as he caressed it.

Taehyung was fisting Jeongguk shirt. Jeongguk wanted to coo at the sight, he was pouting.

"Wanna tell me" Jeongguk asked softly .

Taehyung nodded his head. Jeongguk sighed, finally other was ready to tell him what's bothering him.

He sat with back resting on headboard of the bed as he pulled Taehyung on his lap sideways. Taehyung head was resting on Jeongguk chest.

"Ggukie, you'll be with me forever right?" Taehyung asked, insecurities evident in his voice.

"Always baby, even if you push me away" Jeongguk said and pecked his lips.

"Ggukie do you think I'm annoying" Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows, anger rising inside him. The fuck, who dared he was going to kill them.

"Why you said that baby, you know you'll never be annoying. I love you. Who said that to you baby, they're just jealous. You're adorable, most sweetest and most importantly you're mine baby." Taehyung blushed at his words and nuzzled his face on his chest.

"They said I'm annoying, and I'm stealing you ggukie. They said mean words. Meanie!" He puffed his cheeks showing he is angry.

"I'll kick their butt baby. I'm yours not their so there is no way you're stealing me away from them." Jeongguk said trying to lift his mood and smiled as it worked.

Taehyung giggled and showed his boxy smile which was Jeongguk dying to see.

He leaned and captured his soft plump lips with his in a soft kiss. He slowly moved his lips, licking and sucking others soft lip. They moved their lips in slow rhythm.

Jeongguk snaked his arms around his waist and pulled him closed as Taehyung moved his legs each side of Jeongguk waist facing him.

They pulled as Jeongguk pecked his lips few more times.

"He laid down and pulled Taehyung above him resting his body on him. He nuzzled his face in blue soft locks.

"Always tell me what's bothering you baby, please you know I care for you so much. I love you baby, it's early but I know i love you. Please don't hide anything from me always tell me okay. And you're the most beautiful person I know so never feel insecure, because I'm not going to leave you baby. My tae, my angel, my love, my cupcake." Jeongguk said softly and kissed other head.

Taehyung lifted his head, and kissed other's face to hide his watery eyes. He hated that he was sensitive. He hated himself that he let the other's word get him. He hated when his ggukie was sad. He hated himself when he heard the hurt and sadness in the other's voice. He hated himself because he was weak.

He hugged him tightly and hide his face on Jeongguk neck, pecking and nibbling it.

It was not Taehyung's fault though, it was all their fault who made Taehyung like this. Who changed once confident boy into a insecure weak pathetic boy.

He promised himself that he'll get stronger, for his ggukie. To make him happy, he would try his best.

I promise you ggukie, I will love you till end and always make you happy, I will try to be less annoying, I will try to be most beautiful, I will try to be everything you want, everything ggukie.

Too sad, Taehyung didn't seem like it.

Will Taehyung really going to become stronger as he thought or he'll let his insecurities get the hold of him.

Let's see what future holds for them...

Thank you for reading.

Sorry for the mistakes..

Thoughts? About this chapter or anything.

Stay happy and healthy.

Have a peaceful day! 🌼

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