𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷 ♡

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Before the moment our eyes met
I didn't even know my type

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Listening to music, Hana was on her way to her new school.

DPC High.

One of the most popular and famous elite high schools of the country.

Her dad was transferred because of his job as a police officer. So the whole family moved back to Korea. Hana used to live in the US with her parents and her cat. The last time she's been in Korea was a long time ago. She's a small girl back then. That's why she doesn't really have any memories of this time.

She can still hardly believe that she finally has the opportunity to study at her dream school because of a scholarship. And Hana wanted to use this opportunity as much as possible to get accepted at a good university afterwards.

After walking down a long road for a few minutes, she finally stopped in front of a large gate.

"DPC High". She read the blurred lettering on the gate, while a smile spread across her face.

Hey! You are Hana, aren't you?". She was greeted by a girl with long black hair in a school uniform.

A bit puzzled, she nodded.

"I'm Jangmi. Your tutor for the first week. I'll show you around the school and explain the most important things to you, if you want.". She smiled at me.

"Yes, of course!". Hana followed her into the huge school building.

Because it was quite early in the morning, just a few students walked around the corridors.

Jangmi showed Hana her locker, so Hana put all the heavy stuff from her backpack inside. But suddenly, when she closed the locker and took a step back, she collided with a person and crashed onto the floor.

"What the hell. Are you blind?". The person angrily shouted.

Hana was still dazed so that she hardly noticed what just happened.

"You okay?". Jangmi reached out her hand to help her up.

"I'm fine.". Hana brushed the dust off her skirt. Just now, she saw the person who knocked her over. It was a boy, putting his books inside his locker some meters away.

Hana went up to this guy angrily and left Jangmi confused.

"Hey you! Do I look like I have eyes in the back of my head?". She caught his attention and he straight looked at her face. "You saw me. So you should have watched your way, too.".

She crossed her hands in front of her chest.

Hana winced when the guy suddenly slammed the door of his locker and came close. He stopped only a couple of centimeters before her and looked straight in her eyes.

Hana gulped. He was incredibly handsome. But she managed to stay confident and not break the eye contact.

"Who the hell are you? You must be new.". His gaze was pejoratively.

"And if it's like this...? That doesn't chance the fact that I want an apology.".

He chuckled.

"Why should I apologize? You crashed into me.".

"You scolded me, so... HEY!". A Hand grabbed Hanas wrist and pulled her away.

Jangmi pulled around the next corner. "What are you doing? I wasn't done with him yet."

"Just let it be, Hana. You'll regret it otherwise. Trust me.". Hana shut her mouth and followed her tutor through the school, piercing the guy with her gaze.

But after a while she became curious. "Unnie, may I ask who that guy was? It seemed like you know him.".

Jangmi stopped and sighed. "Here's your classroom.". She pointed to a door on the right.

But Hana didn't go inside. She still waited for an answer.

"His Name is Kim Junkyu. He's very popular. Just...". Jangmi turned around and grabbed Hanas hands. "Just promise me that you won't mess with him again, okay?".

Hana nodded.

She waved her tutor and went inside the classroom.

Since no seat was occupied, she sat down on a random seat next to the window.

Hana thought back of the words from Jangmi.

"Just promise me that you won't mess with him again, okay?"

What could be so special about this jerk? It even seemed like she was afraid of him.

At that moment, the door opened and another person entered the classroom. Her jaw nearly dropped as she recognized HIM. Why the hell did she always have such luck.

Hana tried to focus on her phone and ignored him as much as possible. But she was startled when a bag suddenly landed on her table. She couldn't help but look at him.

"Get off. It's my seat.". He looked out of the window.

Hana looked around the room. She tried to keep herself calm, 'cause She didn't want to start another argument.

"May you tell me where to sit?". She asked him politely.

He pointed to a seat in the first row. "This is where all the jerks sit. Just sit there. You fit.".

Hana exhaled and angrily grabbed her bag.

As she sat down again, she unpacked all her supplies and glanced to Junkyu behind her. It seemed like he was busy with learning.

So she just focused back on her phone.

                            ───※ ·❆· ※───

"Students. May I have your attention!", the teacher shouted and clapped her hands.

"As all of you have probably already noticed, we got a now student in the class. Her name is Moon Hana. She moved from a high school in the US to our school. I hope that you will take her into our class well.". The teacher smiled at Hana and she did back.

The school day few by very fast because Hana is a good student and has never had problems with boring lessons which won't pass by.

When the last subject was over, Hana put on her backpack and left school using the same way as this morning.

She forgot to take something to eat with her in the morning, that's why she was very hungry. She was about to put her headphones in her ears, when she noticed a heavy breathing person and a hand on her shoulder.

The person was Jihyo, her seatmate. "Hey, wait for me. You are fast as hell.". She held one hand on her chest and tried to regulate her breathing.

Hana was glad it was her. At school the two had already spoken a little and Hana thought she was really nice.

"Since we seem to have the same way, why don't we walk together.". Jihyo smiled at Hana.

She nodded and walked down the path with her.

After a short conversation, Hana decided to ask Jihyo about Junkyu.

"Could I ask you something?". Jihyo looked at her in surprise.


"Who is Kim Junkyu?"

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