𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟸 ♡

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✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼

Your eyes are shaking, you already know
'Cause your smile spreads around your lips, you want it too

•• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ••

After class, Hana thoroughly wiped all of today's school stuff off the board while quietly humming along to a song that stuck in her head about all day.

Since Jihyo had already been picked up by Jaehyuk a few minutes ago, Hana was alone in the classroom. It's pretty weird how quickly you get transferred by your bestie because of a boyfriend. But Hana couldn't be mad, the two should enjoy their time together.

"You're free today?"

A manly voice made Hana turn her head around in wonder but without quitting wiping. She saw Jihoon entering the empty classroom again and leaning against a desk in the front row.

"You're still here?" asked Hana in surprise, wringing out the damp sponge over the sink. She thought she saw him leaving the classroom with Junkyu before.

"Well, yeah, I just went to see friends next door." he explained. He paused for a brief moment just watching her before repeating his question. "So you are?"

She placed the sponge on the designated tray and went to her seat to put her backpack on. "Yeah, I guess... why?".

"You remember my mom and Dae's wedding?", he asked as his hands disappeared into his hoodie pockets. "It'll be next week. And I'm assuming you still wanna be my escort?".

Hana looked at him strangely out of the corner of her eye while walking down the hallway. "Nothing's changed, right? Why would I suddenly not want to?".

„But you don't have a dress yet, have you?", he evaded her question.

„Well, no. I didn't know when the wedding would be, so I didn't buy one yet.". Hana shrugged.

„Great. As expected.", he hurried behind her and shove her towards another exit.

"Wait. You wanna go shopping with me?", Hana's eyes grew from astonishment.


The two earned many questioning faces from other students while Jihoon, with Hana in tow, rushed through the building.

"A male asks me if I wanna go shopping. Funny.". Hana chuckled and left the school building together with him.

Outside, in front of the building, he reached for a key in his pocket and pressed one of the buttons flashing the lights of a car parked nearby on.

Hana was amazed when she looked at the car on the side of the road. Actually, she shouldn't longer be surprised. That car was far above the price range of an average person. Probably three years' salary for her parents.

"I didn't even know you had a car. I guess I really am the only dork who doesn't have a license at 19," Hana muttered as she climbed into the passenger seat.

"It's not mine. It's actually my mom's, but I always borrow it because it makes more of an... impression, you know?" he smirked mischievously as he tossed his backpack into the back seat.

"Well, that impression thing might be true. This car is really...hot.". Hana laughed as Jihoon sat down next to her in the driver's seat.

He suddenly opened a compartment in front of her legs and took out a glasses case. He placed a pair of sunglasses on his nose, typical for a sports car driver, and started the engine with a loud growl.

"But I'm even hotter.".

───※ ·❆· ※───

When Jihoon had parked the car in an underground garage in the city center, the two of them went up the stairs.

Hana was once again deep in her own thoughts concerning today's "news". She knew it wasn't really a big deal, but she had a strange feeling that Jihyo had changed during the weeks Hana was traveling.

Even before Hana left for Europe, Jiyho had never been interested in hanging out with Jihoon or Junkyu's friends except that one night in the club after the fair. And now suddenly she does? Where did that come from.

Her gaze shifted over to Jihoon, who was walking beside her busy with his phone. Hana was sure that he knew something. After all, he also knew about the rumor in the movie theater, which turned out to be true.

"Do you know how long something has been going on between Jihyo and Jaehyuk?"

"Not really. I'm not that close to Jae," he explained, looking at Hana critically. "Why do you care?".

Hana exhaled and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. It's kind of on my mind. To be honest, that would be the last news I would have expected today.".

He just nodded without answering.

"You know. It just feels like I missed a whole year, even though I was only gone for four weeks.".

"Like I said, I don't know for sure, but there's been something going on between them for probably three weeks. Shortly after you left.".

Hana was caught off guard. That meant that Jihyo had even lied to her. Just one week bla bla...

She did not know from where, but suddenly she felt even slight anger at her friend. She had hardly contacted Hana while she was in Europe. Hana always had to call or message her first.

"It really drives me crazy. When the fuck did Jihyo become such a slut? She always said she didn't need a boyfriend. She's happier alone and shit. I'm telling you, a few months ago she was even scared of you guys. And now she's like...".

"...wow, calm down. Why are you mad all of a sudden?" , Jihoon interrupted her and looked at her in astonishment. "It seems more like you're jealous as hell," he chuckled, stopping in front of a large building with sliding doors.

"Jealous? Definetely not...". Hana crossed her arms in a huff.

He just giggled in response and pointed to the building. "Wait here a second. I have to get some money.".

Hana watched Jihoon for a moment as he disappeared into the bank when she realized which part of city they had gone to.

She was surrounded by skyscrapers and noble designer brands, whose mannequins probably cost more than Hana could ever afford.

Around her, many women with heels and handbags strutted ostentatiously carrying their shopping bags from Hérmes and stuff like that. She could smell their snootiness all the way here. Even though it would probably be great to be rich, like these women Hana didn't want to end up even in her worst nightmares.

A store window to her left, however, caught her attention. She walked closer to the store and looked at the shiny jewelry that was presented under a brilliant light.

Hana's eyes fell on a silver necklace with a rose pendant. It was really incredibly beautiful, but the price could almost make her cry.

She lowered her head dejectedly and sighed when Jihoon's voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"I'm ready. We can go on.". He put his wallet back in his jacket pocket and Hana turned to him, ready to go.

However, he quickly noticed Hana's disappointed look and peered beyond her into the shop window. "What were you looking at?".

"Nothing. I was just daydreaming again. Come on.", she quickly replied and walked past Jihoon.

He looked at the jewelry for a brief moment before following Hana with quick steps. "Where are you going?" he laughed, holding her arm.

Confused, she eyed him and looked at her surroundings again. "I thought we were going to buy a dress for me," she mumbled uncertainly.

He chuckled and stood behind hana to shove her in front of him. " That's what we're gonna do.".

"Jihoon! No! These stores are way too expensive..." she complained, trying to escape his grip as he headed straight for a store for evening fashion or prom dresses. You couldn't tell exactly. But in any case it was expensive as shit.

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