𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟾 ♡

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I told you, you already know
I like you because I blow your long hair away

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After the two had spent several hours attaching countless balloons and garlands to all sorts of places, Hana climbed off the ladder, satisfied.

"That's the last one," Jihoon announced contentedly as he performed one last test on the lighting system.

Hana looked up at him, who was also standing on a ladder at the other end of the hall.

"Looks good! You can come down." Satisfied, she raised both thumbs.

He nodded and descended each rung of the ladder.

"Your mother and Daehyeon will be thrilled, it looks really great!" enthused Hana.

"I certainly hope so. After all, I put hours of work into this.".

But suddenly a loud crack echoed through the hall and the next thing Hana saw, was Jihoon hitting his head directly on the stone floor.


Hana instantly dropped the light chain in her hand and ran to him. Thank god he seemed to be okay, because in the meantime he tried to get up by himself.

"oh my gosh are you okay?!" she knelt down to him and helped him sit up against a wall.

"I think so.", he groaned and touched one hand to the spot he had hit with.

"You're bleeding," Hana remarked, indecisively removing her hand from his shoulder.

He noticed how Hana's gaze fell down to his lips, so he wiped them with the back of his hand and looked down on it. His whole hand was all covered with blood.

Hana looked around until her eyes fell on a restroom sign. "Just wait a second.". She immediately jumped up and ran to the restroom to get some wipes. Under the faucet, she moistened them a bit and head back to Jihoon.

She knelt back down and folded one of the wipes. "This is probably going to hurt a little.". Hana warned him before gently dabbing the wipe over his lip.

He hissed in pain and turned his head to the side.

"I'm sorry," Hana looked at him guiltily and tried to be even more careful.
She put her other hand lightly to his cheek and dabbed the blood completely from his lip.

"It's gone.". Hana put the cloths on the side next to her. "Are you sure you're okay?" she looked at him worriedly.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it.", he answered, whereupon she exhaled in relief.

"I think it's better if we leave now," Jihoon said, getting up from the floor.

Hana nodded and left the hall with him after they turned off all the lights. The broken ladder and all the other stuff to set up should just be cleaned up tomorrow by the helpers coming for the final check.

"What time is it?" asked Jihoon while unlocking his car.

Hana took her cell phone out of her pocket and unlocked the screen. "Almost 8." she replied before putting the phone back.

"Are you still coming to my place or do you want me to drive you home?" he asked as he started the engine again and rolled out of the yard.

"I'll go with you," Hana replied without thinking twice. "Maybe you won't feel well when you get home and faint or something," Hana explained.

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