𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟽 ♡

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I'm runnin' and runnin' and
If it's for you
I risk it all ride or die

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Hana wiped her sweaty hands on her apron. She didn't expect it to be that busy on a Sunday afternoon.

Just half an hour until the cafe will close.

She looked around the cafe with satisfaction. Every one of the guests got his food or drink.

So she went behind the counter and started cleaning a bit.

"Hey Hana.", her colleague tap her shoulders, what made her turn her head around. "Would you mind if i will leave now? I'll meet someone special today, you know.", she smirked and her eyes sparkled.

Hana started laughing. "No. Just go and have fun. I can manage the last thirty minutes on my own.".

"Thank you a lot.". She hung her apron on the hook on the wall and washed her hands. "You got a key, didn't you?".

Hana pulled it out of her pocket. "Yes. Don't worry. Bye Bye.". She waved at her as she left through the back door.

At the same moment, the front door opened and some new guests came inside. When Hana recognized them, she wanted to hide behind the counter.

Why did it have to be Junkyu's stupid friends.

In general, what kind of person visits a cafe at 10 p.m.

Hana sighed, knowing that she had no other option than serving them.

Byounggon chuckled as he saw her standing around the cafe.

"Won't you come to us?", he shouted through the whole room, so that other guests stared at Hana.

She forced herself to go to their table and take the order.

"Nice that you are here. What do you want to order?", she asked them annoyed but with a forced smile, any they started laughing.

"You, to go.". Hyunsuk joked and slammed his fist on the table.

Hana winced.

His friends started laughing too.

"Fine...", she put the note pad back in her pocked and wanted to return to the counter as a hand grabbed her arm.

"We wanna have five red bull.", a guy named Jaehyuk finally ordered.

Hana nodded and went back to prepare the order. Well, she just took the drinks out of the fridge. Why does someone order red bull in a cafe? That's so stupid. They could have gone to the next gas station as well.

So she put the five cans on a tray and brought them to their table.
„That's 11.600 Won.". She pulled out her wallet without looking at the boys.

„Why don't you just sit with us. All the other guests have already left.". Hyunsuk pulled her down. She landed on a chair next to him.

„So tell me...why do you work in this Café?", he asked.

„I think it's none of your business.", she answered harshly.
„Anyway, it's late. I have to close the Café now. So drink up and go.". Hana got up from the chair.

"We take it.". Byounggon answered and pointed the can in my direction.

"We're out. Bye then."

They didn't pay.

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