𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟹 ♡

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My heart is on fire, dynamite
I think it gonna explode soon

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Junkyu and hana dragged jihoon to the door of junkyu's parent's apartment, and let him open the door with his fingerprint.

"You sure your parents aren't home?" asked Hana again to make sure before they entered the apartment.

Everything was just like the last time they visited. The smell of fresh lilacs. Immaculately cleaned and tidy. Hardly a speck of dust could be found on any of the cupboards.

"Mom's at work and I honestly have no idea where my dad is," he explained as he headed down the hall toward his room.

"You don't know? Didn't you say they wouldn't be home?" she remarked, wide-eyed.

"Do you see anyone here? No! So don't stress. Besides, you said my dad was at his house.". Junkyu nodded toward the sofa, where he and hana dropped jihoon, still sleeping peacefully.

Hana shook out her arms and sat down on the floor in front of the sofa, resting her back against Junkyu's bed. She looked at Jihoon with a smile, which junkyu only observed suspiciously.

"So you don't really know everything, do you?" hana finally asked, to which junkyu only frowned questioningly.

"What do you mean?" he took a seat on his desk chair and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Like...I mean, I don't think Jihoon really freaked out because you're like his brother or half-brother. It's more because he didn't know his whole life that your dad is his dad as well. And the point is that his mother and your father have been cheating on their partners for some time."

Junkyu's mouth parted in wonder, as if he wanted to say something.

"Really now? I'm certainly not going to go into any more detail about that now. It's enough that I now have to deal with the naked sight of my principal for the rest of my life.". hana complained with a disgusted look on her face.

Junkyu cleared his throat before finally answering hana. "so now you're telling me that my dad has been cheating on my mom for some time?". He chuckled as if he thought hana was making fun of him.

"Fine...if you don't believe what I saw, then we'll just wait until Jihoon wakes up and, you can ask him then.", she pulled her legs to her body in a huff and hugged them tightly

He remained quiet for some time and seemed to be thinking. "okay...if you tell the truth...how long has this been going on between the two of them?".

"hana tilted her head indignantly in his direction. "are you serious? I have no fucking idea. But it doesn't really matter in principle. I'm just thinking about the wedding. How is it supposed to happen tomorrow after this situation?" she looked pityingly at the sleeping Jihoon. She wouldn't want to be in his shoes right now.

"Not at all likely," Junkyu got up from his chair with a sigh and sat down on the floor next to Hana, watching Jihoon roll over on his side on the couch.

She was a little confused why he now took a seat next to her, but just remained sitting quietly.

Hana exhaled exhausted and leaned her head back against the mattress, which is why junkyu glanced briefly in her direction.

"Are you tired?".

"Yes.", Hana answered and closed her eyes. After all, she had only slept about 3 hours this night and had been looking for jihoon all morning.

he just squinted up at his bed with the corner of his eye and looked back at hana.

"You can sleep a little if you want.". But she just shook her head vigorously.

"I'll just wait until he wakes up and then leave.".

Junkyu started to giggle a little. "Fine. But that could be hours from now. I've seen him drunk a lot more times than you have.".

"oh my gosh, this guy is driving me crazy.". Hana frantically ran her hands through her hair.

Junkyu's gaze suddenly dropped to hana's neck. "That's a really nice necklace, by the way." he said with a smirk. The irony in his voice was unmistakable.

Without hesitation, hana hid the pendant under her sweater. But it was useless anyway. He had already seen it.

"I'm surprised he's spending so much money on someone. The most expensive thing that idiot paid me was lunch at the hot dog stand next to the school." You'd almost think he exactly knew the store where this necklace was sold when he came right out with the price. It made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Hana rummaged in her pocket for her cell phone and slid it over to junkyu. "Can you charge this. I have to call someone urgently. Just a few minutes will be fine.".

You could see how junkyu's face darkened a bit and the corners of his mouth dropped. he reluctantly took hana's cell phone and connected it to his cable next to the nightstand.

"Who do you have to call?" he curiously sat down on his bed.

Hana frowned in wonder. "I just need to cancel a meeting.", she answered unimpressed when suddenly the doorbell rang.

Junkyu slowly got up from his bed and went to the door to see who had rung the bell.

Hana now felt how tired she really was. She could barely keep her eyes open. The three hours of sleep and the hectic rush through the streets all night had not helped her sleep rhythm.

That's why, after a few last blinks, she finally fell asleep still leaning against the bed.

nightstand | park jihoon • kim junkyu (✔)Where stories live. Discover now