𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟷 ♡

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It still circling around you
I can't take my eyes off you

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--[1 month later]--

"Bye. I'm off," Hana said goodbye to her parents and ran out the door with above-average motivation.

The first day of school for the last year. 356 days, then Hana will attend one of the best universities in the country with a high school diploma in her hands. At least that's what she hoped.

Hana pulled her cell phone out of her jacket pocket to text Jihyo that she was on her way to reserve good seats in the classroom ahead of time. But a car horn, sounding out of nowhere, startled hana.

"Yay, Hanni! Your personal drop-off and pick-up service is here!" a voice called out.

When Hana understood what was going on and she recognized the person in the car, she hopped exuberantly toward the passenger door.

"I can't believe it. Jiyho?! You have a car?" She could hardly keep her mouth shut in amazement.

"A car and a driver's license. My parents' birthday present," she announced proudly, with a little bit of bragging in her voice. But should you hold it against her? It was Hana's own fault that she hadn't gotten her driver's license yet.

"Hop on!"

Hana excitedly opened the door of the bright red VW Beetle and found herself in her friend's arms not even a second later.

"4 weeks were soo damn long, it was really boring without you. Whereas Haruto and Doyoung have really robbed me of my last nerve. Believe me, you couldn't really call that a vacation," she complained without looking away from the street.

Hana wondered at her words. "I didn't expect by god that you would really hang out with the guys. It was actually meant ironically at the airport," she explained.

In the meantime, Jihyo drove onto the school grounds and looked for a parking space among the many luxury cars.

"Well, I really spent a lot of time with the guys. And what can I say, they are really totally fine".

Hana nodded. She was really amazed that Jihyo got along so well with her friends, or at least some of her friends. A few weeks ago, she hated everyone's guts.

Hana and Jihyo got out of the car and her friend locked it with the key buried deep in her handbag.

"By the way. Senior year's blue tie looks a lot better than last year's green tie." Hana gushed, tugging at her school uniform when she noticed that Jiyho was far behind her, hesitantly putting one foot in front of the other.

Hana turned to her friend and watched her with a questioning stare.

"There's something else I have to tell you..." she spoke suddenly as a loud pack of boys appeared behind Hana and moved in the direction of the two.

They were 11th graders, which was evident from the color of the tie. Hana and Jiyho had worn them the year before.

"Hey babe!" a deep, familiar voice made Hana spin around.

Babe? Why was she suddenly approached like that by someone she didn't know? But she quickly realized it wasn't directed at her, as one of the boys left the group and headed towards Jiyho.

"I missed you.", the boy hugged Jihyo tightly, as if they hadn't seen each other for years.

Hana was compleately blindsided when the boy turned around and revealed his face to her.

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