𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟺 ♡

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You don't need to be scared, hold my hand

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The next day, Hana went for a walk in the park with Seunghun and Jihoon after school. She walked between the two boys with her head down and hands hid in the pockets of her hoodie.

She really wanted to talk to Jihyo to make sure she's okay, but understandably she wasn't at school today nor available on her phone, why Hana was starting to worry.

"You're so talkative today. You sure everything is okay?, Seunghun sarcastically asked.

"Hm? Me? I-I'm just a bit worried about Jihyo because of the video, you know.". Hana explained.

"If you ask me, Junkyu has clearly gone too far with his.", the oldest answered and shook his head. "He become obnoxious lately anyway. I don't understand why Byoung and his friends still hang out with him.".

"He hasn't always been like this?". Hana asked in surprise, to which Seunghun shook his head.

"He's still quite nice to me...". Jihoon shrugged his shoulders and faced us.

"It's something different between you two. You've known each other all your lives, why should he suddenly be different towards you?" The blonde haired mentioned.

Hana stroked her arms as it was getting pretty cold in her hoodie. She should have chosen the jacket this morning after all. "I've never seen you two together before. If everyone didn't say it, I wouldn't believe that Junkyu and you are friends.". Hana looked at Jihoon.

"That's probably because you hardly ever see me. How long has it been since we went to the fair? Two weeks? We haven't seen each other since then.". Jihoon said pouting.

"Yeah, I know. Perhaps that's the reason. I was just very busy with the job at the cafe, you know.". Hana explained herself.

"By the way... did you lose weight? You seem thinner than usual.". Seunghun glared at her.

It's true. Hana had really lost a lot of weight in the last few weeks, which is why she was hiding unter baggy clothes. Probably because of all the stress. But now that she has to work only three times a week again, her weight will surely return to normal.

Jihoon slipped out of his jacket and put it over Hana's shoulders from behind as she was thinking of an answer to Seunghun's question. "I think she just likes this baggy-style. It doesn't mean that she has lost weight.". Jihoon scolded him.

Hana immediately got flustered as she noticed the warm fabric of his jacket on her shoulders.

"Aww. What gentleman you are, hoonie.". Seunghun teased the younger one and winked at Hana.

But Jihoon didn't pay any attention to him, instead pulling his phone out of his pocket, where he had just received a call.

"I have to take this.". He explained and stepped a few meters away from the other two.

Hana watched him move away and pulled the jacket around her shoulders closer.

"Seunghun, may I ask you something.". She asked insecurely. He immediately nodded in response. "Sure."

Even though Hana would rather talk about anything else right now, she was eager to know more about it.

"Do you know about Junkyu's asthma?", her voice turned low and carefull.

Seunghun looked surprised about the unexpected question. "Yeah. I mean we all know. Why?". His eyes grew bigger with curiosity.

"Wait... . But how do you know?".

Hana nervously bite her lip not knowing if she should tell him about. Junkyu asked her not to tell anyone.

"Let's put it this way... I found out rather by accident when I got stuck in an elevator with him.", Hana explained.

"What? You got stuck in an elevator? When?".

Hana sight. It's a hell of a long story. She certainly wouldn't tell it all again.

"Hey. I've to go now. My mom asked me to help her with the wedding preparations and stuff.". Jihoon came back and put his phone in his pocket. "I'm off. Bye then.", he raised two fingers and walked away.

"This boy. He's so busy with his mom and the wedding.". He watched him walking down the street. "But back to you. You got stock in an elevator - with Junkyu. Spill the tea!". Seunghun leaned against a stone wall and folded his arms.

"I'm curious!". he chuckled.

"So basically, I had a meeting with his mother about my job. When I was about to leave, he was somehow in the same elevator with me, which I found fantastic by the way.". She sarcastically joked. "The elevator got stuck and he had an asthma attack. That's how I found out. He even almost fainted because he didn't have this spray with him. An employee of the office then scolded Junkyu, saying that this has happened some times before. That's why I'm curious.".

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