𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟷 ♡

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Full of fantasy, curious mystery

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"Jihyo was absolutely right. You try to keep me here at work and keep me from learning. You want my grades to get worse so that you can be the number one again, right? Fine, then let it out on me. But why do you have to involve others, Kim Junkyu?"

"Cause you don't get it in a different way...", Hana whispered not knowing where the sudden courage came from.

"You are nobody. Without your parents you would be nobody."

"So find yourself fucking somebody else.". Hana pressed the towel in her hands into Junkyus stomach.

"The hell I do, you stupid slut.". Junkyu shouted and smashed Hana against the wall.

She screamed as her back hit the wall and she partially fell into the salesroom.

As she looked up, eyes tearily from pain, everyone was staring at her.

Junkyu standing in the kitchen, shocked at what he just did.

"Are you okay? Did this man hurt you?", a guest held out his hand, which Hana took perplexed. "Did he hit you? Should I call the cops?"

"Don't worry. I'm fine.". She noticed, her elbow was scraped up and bleeding. So she took a cloth from the counter and pressed onto her wound before she looked at Junkyu one last time and left the cafe as fast as possible.

───※ ·❆· ※───

"Hey dad, I'm home.". Hana greeted her father and head up the stairs to her room.

"That early?". He peered from the kitchen through the post of the stairs and saw the cloth Hana was holding on her arm. "Did something happen?". Worried, he left the cutlery in the sink and came closer.

"Ah this...I just cut myself in the cafe, that's why I'm already here.". She looked down at her arm and smiled at her dad.

"I'll go to my room now. I have a lot to do for school tomorrow."

───※ ·❆· ※───

Hana greeted her family a little sleepy next morning.

Her mom was in the kitchen next morning and was talking to her father. They immediately interrupted their conversation when they noticed their daughter coming down the stairs.

"What's wrong? Why did you stop talking?". She took a bite of an apple from the fruit basket.

"Hana, Mrs Kim called last evening when you were already sleeping. She wants you to come to her office after school.", her dad explained.

Hana nodded desinterestedly. "And who's Mrs Kim? I know a lot of women with that name.".

"Mrs Kim, your boss. She wants to speak to you about an incident at he cafe.". He paused a few seconds to take a deep breath. "Why did you tell me nothing happened? You lied to me.".

Hana noticed the anger in his voice.

"I didn't tell you because it really wasn't anything big. I just had a little argument, okay.". She sighed.

After her brief explanation, Hana got ready for school in the bathroom.

Why did Mrs Kim want to speak to her? Would she get fired for dealing with Junkyu? If so, it wouldn't be a problem either. Hana didn't feel like playing the lapdog for this idiot anymore.

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