𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟶 ♡

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When I close my life, you're my sweet dream at night

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The next morning, Hana climbed down the stairs to the kitchen. Well, the more or less big moment had come. Now she would find out how much her parents had noticed about the argument last night and what lie she had to tell them.

When her father caught sight of his daughter on the stairs, he slammed his coffee cup down on the dining table and folded up his newspaper.

"Hana Caroline Moon! We have a serious word to say!".

Hana gulped when, from her father's loud shouting, her mom came out of the living room with her arms folded and a somber expression.

"What was with your heinous behavior at the Kim's last night. You have disgraced us massively!", her dad continued.

"Well you know...", Hana scratched her head. "I don't know the best way to explain this without sounding ridiculous.".

"Ridiculous? Speak out...".

The excuse Hana just had in her head was one of the biggest lies she had ever told anyone. With it, she would take Junkyu completely in protection, which was actually not her intention at all. However, she wanted to get out of the number as quickly as possible and hope that she didn't cut her own flesh.

"I knew it was a stupid idea to play the game in his house."

"Game?" Hana's mother made a puzzled expression.

"Yeah. After I went to the bathroom, I went to Junkyu's room. You know, we're getting along better than we thought," Hana explained, her words almost making her nauseous.

"I had a bet with him, and then I was supposed to leave the Kim's house just like I did. I know that was a really stupid action and I hope Mr. and Mrs. Kim aren't too upset, but I'm sure Junkyu will explain that to his parents too.", Hana laughed innocently.

"So you just embarrassed us for truth or dare?" her father looked at her, aghast.

"Kind of, yeah...", she laughed embarrassedly, and hardly noticed how her mother stepped closer to her and pointed at her head in shock.

"Where did that huge bump on your head come from?"

Surprised, Hana groped at her head until she actually palpated an aching mound on top of her head. "I must have bumped into something, I don't know.". She excused herself innocently.

Her mother took a few steps back again, apparently not buying Hana's answer, but left it uncommented.

"Unbelievable. Our daughter has lost her mind. Where did the smart girl from before go? Has this school changed you that much?" her father looked at Hana disappointedly and shook his head before taking a sip from his coffee cup.

Hana hung her head and noticed the time on her watch. Fuck! It was already shortly before eight o'clock. School is about to start in half an hour.

Well, there weren't really any more lessons, since all the school books had already been collected and the long vacations would begin in a week. In the last week, there are usually only organizational things to do, such as planning the graduation trip, talking about the final exam, awarding certificates and so on...

"Mom, Dad, I'm really sorry. I won't do that kind of stuff anymore, I promise. But I-I really have to go now, or I'll be late for class." Hana nervously wiggled from one foot to the other.

"And of course, I apologize to the Kim's as soon as I possibly can," she added quickly.

After this sentence, Hana rushed to the front door and was about to leave the house when her father's gruff voice made her stop.

"HANA!". She slowly tuned to face him.

"Don't forget to pack your suitcase after school.", she exhaled in relief and nodded before leaving the house.

Suitcase? For what, you are probably asking yourselves. Well, Hana's parents have decided to spend the entire vacation in Europe to visit their relatives, more precisely in Greece. Hana was looking forward to it, because except the US and Korea she had never visited any other country.

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The last week of school flew by. Hana's class had been discussing the planning of a graduation party the whole time. The event would take place at the beginning of the new school year, so that there wouldn't be the stress of the final exams at the end.

Hana had met with Jihyo a few more times and talked about what had happened. Well, Hana did not tell her everything, because she did not want to burden her with her unnecessary worries.

Also, on Thursday, the day before her trip, Hana went to a cafe with Jihoon and Seunghun to talk about inconsequential things. Jihoon talked about his mother's upcoming wedding, which would take place right after the vacations.

Junkyu, uncharacteristically, hadn't shown up in class for the past week. Usually, he was one of those nerds who didn't miss a single day of class, like Hana, but the last few days he was nowhere to be found. Hana was quite happy about that. And she wasn't interested in what happened to him at all.

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But back to present.

It was Friday afternoon, rather early evening, and Hana was standing in front of the gate with her hand luggage after a short day of school.

"I'm gonna miss you so damn much, Hanny-Bunny!", Haruto wailed and hugged Hana tightly, well, he rather almost squeezed the air out of her.

Great, he had adopted Jaeyhuk's shitty nickname for her as well.

Hana gasped while slapping his back. "Chill, Ruto. It's only four weeks until you'll see me again.".

After what felt like an eternity, he let go of her, leaving her breathless. God, this boy had such strength. Okay, with his size, that shouldn't be surprising.

"Make way for me, Ruto.", Jiyho shoved him harshly aside to fall around Hana's neck not a second later.

"Baby, I wish you a lot of fun in greece. I'll take care of your little friends here while you're gone," she patted Haruto's head, who then grimaced.

Well, yes, Jihyo and Haruto had accompanied Hana to the airport, although Hana's parents weren't really thrilled about it at first.

After saying goodbye to her two friends, Hana and her parents walked through the tunnel to the plane.

"That Haruto boy, he seems to like you a lot...", her father gave her a suspicious glance.

"He's four years younger than me, dad," Hana replied monotonously without paying any further attention to him, knowing exactly what her father was getting at.

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