𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟸 ♡

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My life stopped the moment I saw you
'Cause my heart keeps wanting you

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Quiet 80s music resounded through the room and left a touch of coziness despite the old building.

At first glance, there were no people to be seen. No wonder, after all, it was early in the morning and even the last guests had gone home.

Only the bartender was still standing behind the counter and was drying a few glasses when Hana and Junkyu rushed breathlessly into the pub.

Junkyu looked around the room and sighed as his gaze fell only on empty chairs and bar stools.

"He's not here," Hana replied quietly, and was about to go back outside when the man cleared his throat.

"Are you looking for someone by any chance?" he asked disinterestedly, placing one of the glasses in the cupboard. It was obvious that he was exhausted and had been working all through the night.

"Yes we do!". Junkyu took a few hopeful steps forward.

The barkeeper just nodded to a corner that was divided from the rest of the room by a partition.

Without thinking twice, the two hurried to the last table and saw Jihoon lying on the bench. His eyes were closed and he was obviously sleeping.

Hana hurried to him and dragged him back to a sitting position, where his head fell against the wall with a groan.

"He's drunk as hell." she told junkyu, who was examining the many shot glasses on the table.

Junkyu took one of the glasses and sniffed it. "No surprise tho. That were about 10 shots of whiskey.".

"Sure. You have experience in that," Hana replied annoyed and tried to get Jihoon up. "It would also be extremely friendly if you could help me out.".

Junkyu sighed and shoved Hana out of the way before pulling him to his feet and wrapping his arm around his shoulder.

"I bet he doesn't wake up for the next few hours," he snorted as he now had Jihoon's entire weight on his shoulders.

Hana grabbed Jihoon's second arm and dragged him out of the bar with Junkyu after thanking the bartender again.

"We'll put him in my back seat for now," Junkyu replied as the two arrived just outside his car.

Hana nodded and quickly opened one of the doors so Junkyu could lay him down.

"I swear, if that idiot pukes all over my car, he's dead as soon as he wakes up," he fumed before slamming the door shut.

"Wait...what are you doing?" asked Junkyu in confusion when Hana didn't take a seat next to him in the passenger seat as expected.

She raised her head after buckling up in the back seat.

"What do you mean what? Don't you think someone should check on him? You're welcome to do that if you want me to crash your car into the nearest wall," she replied fed up.".

After this answer, Junkyu kept silent and drove off.
"Where are we actually driving to now?" she asked while laying Jihoon's head on her lap.

"To my house. Nobody should be home right now," Junkyu replied monotonously as he watched the action in the rearview mirror.

Hana didn't answer and looked down at her lap. Even though Jihoon was asleep and looked very done, he was still handsome. The brown wavy hair that fell on his forehead made Hana smile. Even though the situation was actually not to smile at all. Solving your problems with alcohol is never a good idea. He could have talked to her instead, or someone else. Anything would have been better than that.

Jihoon became a little restless and lolling his head back and forth until he touched his forehead with one hand and opened his eyes slightly.

"Turn off the damn light," he murmured under his breath and narrowed his eyes.

"Shut up, idiot. we're almost there," Junkyu muttered from the front as he turned into the street of his apartment.

Jihoon didn't even seem to notice, because his eyes were closed again after a few seconds and he was apparently asleep again.

Hana giggled and played with one of the strands of hair that had fallen into his face.

Junkyu drove his car into the underground garage of his apartment and parked it in a space reserved especially for him.

Together, they got the sleeping Jihoon out of the car and dragged him the fortunately only few meters to the elevator. Jihoon was now somewhat sane, at least as much as could be expected from a drunk person.

Do you know the difference between annoying, screaming babies and those who are as sweet as lambs? Jihoon's behavior could be compared exactly to that. He was usually the first. Well, not annoying. But very talkative. But when he was drunk, he was like those babies that every babysitter was happy about. The ones that are easy to handle.

Hana still held his arm tightly around her neck while junkyu pressed the button for the elevator.

After a few seconds, the elevator arrived at the first floor so that the three of them could get in.

This situation gave Hana flashbacks. "Do you have your spray with you this time? I don't want to have to take care of two people," Hana teased, earning a pissed look from Junkyu.

"Shut the fuck up, I have!" he replied annoyed and buried his hand in his pocket, which caused a surprised expression to appear on hana's face.

"You do?", she looked past Jihoon with wide eyes. She never expected him to really change his mind. especially after seunghun said that he really never has his inhaler with him.

"I just hope for your sake that you haven't told anyone, like that Jihyo, for example.".

"Don't pretend you don't know her!" mentioned Hana madly. "I didn't tell anyone except him and Seunghun.". Hana nodded to jihoon, who was still standing absent-mindedly between them.

"Of course you couldn't keep your trap shut," Junkyu muttered as the elevator stopped with a ping and the sliding doors opened.

Standing across from the three was a family about to enter the elevator, glaring at the teenagers in shock.

Hana just smiled at them with a forced smile. they must have thought they had lost their minds.

oh my gosh embarrassing.

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