𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟾 ♡

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Like it was destiny
All I can see in the crowd is you

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"What did you buy? Can I try it?". Haruto poked Hanas food without waiting for her answer.

Aish, this boy...

"It's good.", he enthused, chewing.

It was lunchtime at school and Jihyo and Hana had actually sat on an empty table. Well, they had only a few minutes alone, until Haruto saw them and sat down with two friends of him. And since Jihyo went to the toilet for a while, Hana was alone with the three annoying boys.

"Can't you just shut up! I want to eat in peace...". She complained at the three.

"Hmm...sure. I just came over to ask If you wanna come with us to the fairground tonight.". He glanced at Hana and blinked a few times.

She sipped a noodle.

"Who is "us"? You three?". she looked back at them.

"Yes. But also a few others. Our group of friends, you know.".

Hana sighed. "Okay...I'll join. But go now and let me eat. And Jihyo will come along, thats the condition.". She explained.

The boys smirked and left her alone.

"What did they want?", Jihyo sat down across Hana and watched them leave the cafeteria.

"We're going to the fair tonight.". Hana answered and grinned. "I told them you come with me because I barely know them all. It would be strange.".

"thanks! I don't like them at all.". she grumbled.

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"Are you finished now? Why do you take that long. We're just going to the fair and not a wedding.". Hana complained and throw herself on her bed.

"Because...I don't wanna look like a sack of potatoes.", Jihyo stepped out of Hanas bathroom and looked at her disparagingly.

Hana was wearing a simply black sweater with dark skinny jeans and Air Force.

"What's so bad about my outfit. It's nondescriped and cool, okay.", she angrily crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Okay. I got it. You're cool.". Jihyo patted her head. "Let's go.".

───※ ·❆· ※───

"Have fun you two. And don't stay for too long. You have school tomorrow.". Hanas dad shouted as he turned the car and drove away.



A loud voice appeared behind them and wrapped her arms around them left and right. Jihyo and Hana were surprised and didn't even realise what was happening.

Hana turned her head and saw a group of about 10 boys walking behind them.

"Haruto you dumbass, you shocked me as hell.". Jihyo tore his arm away from her.

She still wasn't thrilled she had to come with Hana. However, she didn't want to leave her best friend alone with all the boys.

"Just ignore him. He is always that pushy.". Seunghun tried to calm Jihyo down.

"What's wrong with her? Why is Jihyonie mad at me.". Haruto pouted and suddenly hugged Hana tightly. He even faked sobbing.

Hana was frozen in shook. It was strange. She still didn't know him that well. "What the hell is wrong with you?". She pressed him away and shook his shoulders.

"Is he drunk, or something?". Hana asked a random person walking next to her.

"Don't know.", he answered and Hana recognized Jihoon.

A slight smiled formed on her face while still being clutched by Haruto.

"I wanna take that ride.". Jeongwoo, one of Harutos friends, suddenly shouted and run toward a small rollercoaster.

───※ ·❆· ※───

The evening passed by too fast and about three hours later only seven of them were left. Asahi and Jaehyuk had to leave early, because they have to write an exam tomorrow. As well as Jeongwoo.

Haruto is in the same class than Jeongwoo but he didn't care about the exam. He didn't even learn. That's why he was still staying with them.

Byounggon and Hyunsuk were off, to buy something to drink for the group. And Seunghun headed to the toilet.

Jihyo and Haruto seemed to get along well. They went ahead and tried all kinds of games together.

Meanwhile Hana decided to buy herself cotton candy at a candy booth. After paying she went back and leaned on a railing and watched Jihyo and Haruto.

They were playing a duck fishing game and seemed to be very successful after their loud cheers.

"Looks like they're having fun.". Jihoon chuckled and stood beside Hana.

She was a little surprised. He hardly spoke the whole evening.

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