𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟻 ♡

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Don't think you're alone
Don't forget I'm by your side

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It was a rather chilly Saturday afternoon and Hana was sitting together with jihyo at the han river eating ice cream. Ice cream in autumn? Why not?

After hana had left junkyu's apartment around 11:15 and left jihoon alone with him, she had arranged to meet her friend directly. She needed one thing above all now. Her mental support and advice.

"If my mom asks, I slept at your place last night," hana told her friend while watching a leaf in the water being carried away by the current.

"And where were you actually?".

"I spent the night at Jihoon's. I don't know... a lot happened last night, so I wanted to talk to you.", hana answered.

She earned a shocked expression from her friend. "You spent at his? Oh my god, don't tell me you guys did it ?! Spell the tea! How does he look shirtless... I bet he looks great, right?". Jihyo excitedly jiggled hana's arm.

"Shut up. This is not what I wanted to talk to you about!" hana replied indignantly with a disturbed expression.

Jihyo snorted out in disappointment. "Then what is it?".

Hana stared indecisively at her feet dangling a few feet above the water. "junkyu is kind of involved in this whole thing too. Actually, even more than me. Anyway, I've been spending a lot of time with jihoon lately, and it occurred to me that I might feel something more for him than for a friend.", admitted hana.

"So yeah. That's obvious. What's the catch?", Jihyo stood up to throw her empty ice cream cup into a trash can.

Hana was a little surprised. Was this really obvious to outsiders, or just to jihyo because she was a creepy stalker and had excellent people skills?

"Well, the catch is that I kissed Junkyu..." Hana looked down in shame.

Jihyo could hardly believe her ears and almost lost her balance and fell into the river. "YOU DID WHAT? WHY?".

"It was a while ago. Everything happened so fast in his car...," Hana explained.

"In his car?" she repeated. "You fucking made out with Junkyu in his car?!". Jihyo almost fell out of the clouds.

"I mean, I can't blame you. He's hot but he... he sucks...".

"Did this happen before or after the...incident...?".


"Oh my god. You're so stupid Hana!", she threw his hands to his head in despair.

"Today, he told me he likes me."

"KIM JUNKYU TELLS A GIRL HE LIKES HER? I'm telling you, that's about as likely as winning the lottery.". Jihyo shook her head in disbelief. "That can't be, he doesn't mean that. He wasn't serious. Believe me!".

Hana got up from the wall in a huff. "If you've come here just to accuse me of lying, I'll be happy to leave. I know how crazy this is, and I really don't need this shitty feeling that you are giving me right now. She stared angrily into her friend's eyes and brushed the dirt off her clothes.

"I really need your advice as a friend right now," Hana dropped her head in disappointment.

Jihyo now realized how serious hana was about the whole thing and that she wasn't joking. She also got up from the wall and sat down with Hana on a bench on the riverbank.

"Do you like Junkyu?" Jihyo now asked seriously, to which Hana thought for a second.

Finally, she shook her head. "For a while, I thought I did.".

"Okay. then the matter is pretty clear. You tell Jihoon that you like him and tell him about the kiss...or whatever.".

Hana plucked one of the maple leaves from the tree and began to examine it. "You say that so easily. I don't think I can do that.... . I've never done that before.".

"I'm not going to be able to help you with that. but believe me, it's a lot more uncomfortable when you find out from someone else," her best friend clarified.

───※ ·❆· ※───

In the evening, Hana found herself alone in her room again. Fortunately, her parents weren't angry that she hadn't come home until the afternoon and didn't ask any annoying questions.

She propped herself up on her desk with one elbow and watched the red dress that hana had hung up in a garment bag and actually wanted to wear to the wedding tomorrow.

She had received no more updates whether the wedding would even take place. But the way the tense situation looked right now, probably not.

She wondered if Jihoon had woken up and talked to junkyu in the meantime.

Suddenly there was a knock on her bedroom door and Hana's mother stuck her head in.

"Will you come downstairs then? We want to eat.".

But Hana just shook her head. "No hunger. I might eat something later." she turned her attention back to her phone, but her mother didn't seem to leave the room.

"You don't look well. Are you okay?" worriedly, she took a step further into her daughter's room.

"I'm fine," she lied. "I'm just a little preoccupied with my math test next week." She faked a smile.

Her mother just nodded contentedly and left the room again. "Don't overdo yourself. Don't forget to take some breaks."

Her parents were hardly used to anything else from Hana. The excuse about school always worked!

As the door slammed back into the lock, Hana heard a muffled, strange sound coming from outside.

Astonished, she turned her head once in the direction of the window, but then paid no more attention to it. It was probably just a bird or some strange noise that a building sometimes makes.

But suddenly the noise turned into a knocking, which made hana get up and look where it was coming from.

As she took the few steps to her window, a smile appeared on hana's face as she recognized Jihoon on her balcony.

Without hesitation, she opened the window.

"What are you doing here?" she laughed, immediately noticing that he was dressed up.

His usual sweatpants were replaced by black jeans and he wore an oversized denim jacket over his hoodie. In addition, his hair was just as slightly wavy as on the first day of school after the vacations.

"I just passed by," he grinned at hana.

"yeah sure. That's why your car is parked in front of the house and you look the way you do right now...".

Jihoon looked down at himself. "Well how do I look?".

Hana crossed her arms and leaned against the window sill. "Good." She smiled

"Okay. You got me. Do you wanna take a short walk with me?"

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