𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟺 ♡

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Come into my open arms
Anytime you're ready girl

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"So, you two. I'm back," the saleswoman lilted as she put her cell phone back in her pocket and stopped, startled, when she saw the two of them standing in the dressing room.

Hana turned her head in her direction, and her breath caught in her throat. Would she get in trouble for trying on the last dress without permission?

"Oh! It really looks amazing," she enthused and hurried into the dressing room to get a closer look at Hana. "It fits like a glove. If you ask me, it's the best one!". enthusiastically, she smiled at the two of them.

Hana exhaled in relief and lowered her head with a smile.

"We'll take this one," Jihoon announced out of the blue, causing Hana's head to snap back up.

"No, we won't.". Hana looked at him reproachfully.

You could tell by the look on the woman's face that she was completely overwhelmed and confused at the same time. "S-So...I'll leave you alone for a moment until you've made up your mind," she said, taking quick steps away from them.

Hana now turned her attention back to Jihoon. "I already told you that this is too expensive for me. And I don't want you to pay for it," she whispered sourly.

But Jihoon could only laugh. "I thought it was clear from the beginning that I would buy you a dress. Why else did you come to the store?".

"Maybe because you pushed me in here and I had no choice".

"Then why did you agree to try on the clothes in the first place?".

"Because...uhm...I don't know. I thought it might be a bit fun."

Jihoon rolled his eyes with a laugh and pulled the curtain closed behind him, leaving Hana alone in the dressing room again. "You're a terrible liar. Now go change your clothes.".

───※ ·❆· ※───

Back in the car, Hana placed the shopping bag on her lap. As you might have guessed, she lost the argument, so Jihoon ended up buying her the dress after all.

He dropped into the driver's seat next to her and looked at her with a smirk. "Don't tell me you're still mad at me.".

"Okay. I won't say anything then.".

"You're such a pouty baby. Seriously.", he teased her and drove out of the underground garage.

Hana poutingly propped her elbow on the armrest and looked out the window.

"I'm not mad. I just don't understand why," she finally explained after a while. "I just feel bad because I can't repay you with anything. I have nothing to offer and I can't pay that back.

„You don't have to give me anything back. I bought the dress because I wanted to, not because I want anything back.".

Meanwhile, the car turned into Hana's street, where all the streetlights were already shining. She hadn't realized how dark it had already become when Jihoon stopped a few meters from her house.

"You know, I don't do this for everyone," he chuckled. "Only for the people I care about.".

"Oh thank you. I'm honored that you care about me." she joked wryly and grabbed the bag's handles ready to get out of the car.

"Seriously. You are important to me.".

Hana cleared her throat and felt her face heating up more with each passing second. "Well then, seriously, thank you for the dress.

Hana climbed out of the car where the cold autumn wind greeted her.

"Can we meet tomorrow?" asked Jihoon before Hana could shut the door behind her.

"Can't you go a day without me?" she joked with a smirk.

Jihoon laughed out. "Shut up. I'm helping my mom decorate the wedding venue tomorrow. You can come and join us if you want to. Dae will be there too, so you're finally gonna meet him.".

She rolled her eyes. "Aha, so that's how it is. I'm a cheap labor.".

"You got it!", he laughed.

"Hmm. I still have to work at the cafe and go shopping after school tomorrow.". Hana bit her lip uncertainly.

„Then we'll see another time. Just text me.".

"I'll do! Bye.", she waved to him one last time and closed the car door.

Hana was walking towards her front door when it suddenly opened from the inside without her having rung the bell.

Her mother appeared in the doorway with her arms crossed, eyeing her daughter. "Who was that?". She raised her eyebrows curiously.

"I texted you that I was going shopping with a friend," Hana replied, confused, as she shoved past her mom.

"Yeah, I know. But you didn't mention that the friend is a boy.", she added, which got the attention of Hana's father, who was lying on the couch.

"Why does it matter?" asked Hana, annoyed, taking off her shoes at the coat rack. "It's creepier that you were obviously watching us through the window."

"A boy? Hana has a boyfriend?" her father now sat up curiously.

"Oh my gosh. I don't. We're friends, okay!", Hana threw her jacket over one of the dining room chairs and put her bag with her dress on the table.

However, it was clear from both of their parents' facial expressions that they didn't believe a single word from Hanas lips.

"Why are you looking like that? What reason would I have to lie to you?".

Her mother didn't respond, as her gaze fell on the shopping bag on the dining table. "Are you crazy? Don't tell me you bought something from there". It was obvious that she was talking about the logo on the bag.

"If you spend the money you earn at the cafe on such expensive shit, you'll quit right there tomorrow. With that money you should pay yourself a part of your college fees!".

"Mom! Don't worry. It's just the bag. Jihoon gave it to me, so I can put in the things I bought.". Quick as a flash, Hana grabbed the bag from the table before her mother could do so.

Her parents would probably think she had gone crazy if they saw the dress inside.

"So Jihoon is his name? Is that the same one who walked you home from the fair?" her father yelled from the couch.

Hana stopped as if frozen. "How do you know that? Did you observe us?".

He started laughing. "I was outside screwing around with the car, of course I saw you."

Great. That's exactly why Hana didn't want to get any closer to her house that night. It would just create stupid prejudices, just like it did now.

Hana sighed, "Yes, Jihoon also walked me home from the fair. You see, I'm not lying. I openly admit that it was him, so you two have to realize that he's not my boyfriend and I don't like him... that way, okay?".

She then trudged up the stairs, leaving her parents with grinning faces.

"She does..." her mom whispered to her husband.

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