𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟶 ♡

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I'mma ride for you
I'mma ride or die for you girl

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After school, Hana was working at the cafe and talking to a guest when the door swung up.

It was Junkyu.

Well, Hana got used to it. Junkyu turned up there almost every day looking for something. Whenever he visited the Cafe, Hana just ignored him and did her job as always.

But this time he went straight forward her and patiently waited until she took an order from a guest.

"Could you follow me to the kitchen?". He asked her.

Hana nodded.

"So basically I'm here to tell you that from now on you gonna work every day and not just three times a week. It that a problem for you?".

Hana knew that the last question didn't interest him at all. He wants her to do it. And it didn't care him whether she wanted or not.

Otherwise she would lose her job.

"No. No problem.", she pressed out.

"Great. That's it.". he grinned contentedly and turned to leave the cafe.

He left Hana alone in the kitchen. Her anger clenched her hands in fists. This stupid fool wanted to see her suffer. He knew that she now hardly had time for school and anything else. It was purely on purpose.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Because Hana urgently needed the money, she did what Junkyu wanted from her without complaining.

She has been working in the Cafe for a week now, everyday after school until half past ten in the evening.

Hanas parents started to worry.

"You're alright? You look like you didn't sleep well.". Her mother asked while she was preparing breakfast.

"I didn't sleep at all.". She let herself fall on a chair in the kitchen yawning.

Hana studied for school whole night, so she hadn't more time to sleep.

"This can't continue like this. You'll get sick. Quit this damn job, Hana.".

But she shook her head. "I can't. I need that money for the university.".

"Forget the university now. Your health is more important. You lost about three kilos this week.", her mother answered sternly. "You will stay at home today. I'll write a notification for illness.".

───※ ·❆· ※───

"Hana won't come today.". Jiyho read the message Hana sent.

"She's sick?", Haruto asked curiously.

"Apparently. And I know exactly what's the reason.". She hissed angrily and headed away.

"You know what she's talking about?". Seunghun stepped closer to Jihoon.


Jihyo run back to her classroom where some students were already sitting and playing with their phones. She stopped in the door frame and scanned the class with her eyes.

„Kim Junkyu!". She shouted and slammed her hand on his table. Jihyo felt inside that she would regret it. She knew exactly what Junkyu could do.

Some classmates turned their heads in curiosity.

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