𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟷 ♡

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I'm not good at expressing myself
Borrow a song, I give you loveEverything flows towards you

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A few hours later, Hana strode onto the grounds of an old school building nearby.

She took her cell phone out of her pocket, which was about to run out because the battery wouldn't last much longer.

Half past six already. Sighing, she put her phone back and sat down on an old ping-pong table at the school. Since today was Saturday, hana didn't have to worry that students would show up.

She had been walking around the surrounding area all the time, looking for Jihoon. But in the meantime, hana had given up.
She was exhausted and her feet couldn't take it anymore.

In addition, Jihoon probably needed time for himself to process the whole thing. And she wanted to give him that time.

Hana lay back on the slab and stared up at the sky, her feet dangling a few inches off the ground, while she confined her hands to her stomach.

In the sky, the sun could be seen slowly rising, although the darkness of the night still prevailed at the moment.

If her parents knew what hana had been up to in the last few hours, she would surely not be allowed to leave her room for a week.

Her eyes were about to close when she was startled by the shrill ringing of her phone.

Confused, she pulled it out of her back pocket and held it above her head with her arms outstretched.

Another unknown number!?

Hana had to think about the meeting again. After everything that had happened today, she would definitely cancel it.

But for what reason would he please call her at this damn early hour?

Is it even his number? Hana hadn't even saved it to her contacts yet. So she couldn't tell for sure.

Unprejudiced, she accepted the call by pressing the green button on the display.


„Hana?", replied a person, breathing heavily. Fast footsteps could also be heard in the background, as if he were running.


Hana sat up and frowned in confusion.

„It's me...Junkyu...!"

She almost lost her balance and fell from the plate when she recognized his voice.

„where are you?"

Surprised, she turned on the speaker before answering

„I'm...I'm in an old schoolyard. Why are you running?"

„Is he with you?", he asked.


„jihoon goddamn! Is he with you?"

Hana shook her head as if he could see her. „he's not. I was looking for him for the last...about 3 hours. He drove away with his car.".

„hakdong elementary school right?", he asked and kept silent waiting for her answer.

Hana turned her head and leaned forward a little so that she could see the writing above the archway. „hakdong yes. But why? what happened...?"

„just wait a sec", he answered, heavily breathing and ended the call.

Hana took the phone from her ear and looked at the number again when at that moment the battery gave up and the screen went black.

Less than two minutes later, a car stopped with squealing tires in front of the building and a person rushed out.

Hana walked slowly towards the person, already guessing from the black Mercedes that it must be junkyu.

"what happened?" asked hana when junkyu stopped a few meters in front of her and took an exhausted breath.

"I need to talk to him. A family matter."

"It's probably too late for that...", Hana revealed, causing junkyu to gasp in shock.

"He already knows. There was quite a drama at his house tonight, and he ended up taking off angrily in his car."

„Ahhh shit!", he yelled and slammed his fist on a tree next to him. „Why didn't this idiot answer my fucking calls.".

Hana just stood there facing him while chewing on her lips.

„come on! We need to find him...", he head to hana and tried to grab her wrist, but she pulled away before he could do so.

„we? why me?"

„don't you wanna find him as well?".

Hana thought about it for a brief moment until she nodded and finally followed him to his car.

It was strange to sit in junkyu's car again, since the last time...well...it hadn't gone quite as planned. But hana couldn't worry about that now, since it was completely irrelevant.

"So can you explain to me again exactly what's going on now? It all happened superfast tonight and I didn't get it bc I just bursted in the drama." said Hana as she took place in the passenger seat.

„Your dad and his mom? Like what...?". Hana was completely stunned.

Junkyu started the car and drove away from the elementary school.
„you remember the certificate you saw on my bed that night you came over for dinner?", he asked, while his eyes never left the road.

„it was Jihoons certificate, i could read it exactly." answered Hana while blushing. She tried to push all the memories from this evening away.

„His birth certificate to be exactly. I found it in my dad's desk drawer and hid it in my nightstand all this time.".

She listened attentively

"But at some point, I couldn't take this shit anymore and yelled at my parents to tell me the truth."

"that's how I found out...yesterday afternoon. and then he didn't respond to my calls.". Angrily, he clenched around the steering wheel.

Hana thought a short moment. „why are you telling me all this just like that? usually you would never talk like this about your privacy."

"you're kind of into it now. if you hadn't found out yourself, I'm sure he would have told you himself at some point. especially if you're that close to sleep with him. So it doesn't really make any difference.", Junkyu shrugged.

Hana raised her head hin shock. „I'm not like...sleeping with him...".

but junkyu didn't listen to her reply because he suddenly braked sharply. „it's his car!", he pointed to the matte gray car parked on the sidewalk in front of a pub.

hana gulped when she saw the run-down building. "You think he's in there?".

Junkyu parked his car on the side of the road and unfastened his seatbelt. "don't know."

he jumped out and walked with quick steps toward the entrance of the bar. hana followed him hesitantly through the door, when she was greeted by a gush of alcohol-scented air.

nightstand | park jihoon • kim junkyu (✔)Where stories live. Discover now