𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟻 ♡

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I'msuffering from the words that you chose
I'm jealous 'cause you were so nice

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Seunghun suddenly started laughing after Hana finished her speech.

"Welcome to our world!".

"Why?". She tilted her head.

"He NEVER takes his spray with him. He's probably embarrassed or something. The last time it happened, he was out with Hoonie. He fainted and collapsed because of it and was even hospitalized a few days.".

"Wow, that's sick.". Hana gasped. "But he didn't seem to have learned from that.".

Seunghun shook his head. "Not at all. But I don't really care. I'm not that close to him.". He shrugged.

Hana nodded and stared at her shoes as she detected an unfamiliar scent. She turned her head and still saw the black denim jacket hiding her shoulders.

"By the way, can you give me his address?". She pulled the jacket off her and placed it over her arm. "I wanna give it back to him.".


In the evening Hana sat at the dining table with her parents and ate her dinner. Fortunately, she was able to reach Jihyo in the meantime and have a brief conversation with her. She is expected to return to school on Monday after the weekend if she's well by then.

"What did Mrs. Kim told you yesterday? You left so quickly this morning, and last night you head straight into your room.". Hana's dad asked while cutting his steak in little pieces.

"Nothing earth shattering.". Hana answered chewing. "We've agreed that I only have to work three times a week again."

Her father hummed interestedly.

"Her husband called us again today.". Her mom informed and Hana choked on her piece of meat.

"What? Why?", she asked, upset.

Did Junkyu's parents tell Hana's about the fight? If so, she was in huge trouble. Probably her parents would want her to quit the job all the more. After all, they weren't really thrilled from the start.

So basically, they invited us for dinner. To make amends... ". Hana's mom shrugged. "I don't really know why or what for, but that's a pretty nice gesture."

Hana couldn't believe her ears. They invited them?

"That's really nice for you two. You'll meet extremely...influential people.". Hana faked a smile and tried to hope that i wouldn't turn out as she suspected.

"Oh. He asked for you especially. What makes you think it's just the two of us going? We don't even know the Kim family.".

Great! As expected.

"But Mr. Kim is the principal at my school and Mrs. Kim is my boss. It would be super strange if I came along. By the way, their son is my classmate too, and I don't really like him.". She tried to talk her way out of it.

"In case you forgot. Mrs. Kim is also my boss in the office I work. It wouldn't be very kind to turn down an invitation from your boss. Besides, this way you could also take the opportunity to get to know her son better.". Her mom enthused.

"Thanks. No need.". Hana crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Come on, Hana. It's just dinner this Sunday. Nothing big. I'm sure you're gonna like it.

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