𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟸 ♡

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Every night, you're driving me crazy
I failed to control myself

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Junkyu finally walked out of his mother's office and Hana followed him with some distance.

Now that his mother could no longer see them, Hana could just take the bus. Junkyu wouldn't wait for her anyway.

The two stopped in front of the elevator and Hana pressed the head to call it to their floor.

"I'll take the bus.", she said as they entered the elevator and the door closed behind them.

Junkyu took his cell phone out of his pocket and started texting someone. "No, i'll drive you. My mom will kill me at home, if i don't.

But Hana just quickly shook her head. "Then just tell her you drove me...".

Junkyu suddenly began to look around strangely.

"...Or  just tell her the truth, that I don't wanna sit alone in a car with an ass like you."

"Can you shut up!".

Hana felt the anger rising in her. He couldn't even let her speak.

"We're not moving...". Junkyu went to the buttons and randomly pressed some of them.

Only now Hana realized that the elevator was no longer moving an inch. "Please stop pressing anything and use the bell.". She pushed Junkyu to the side to get to the emergency button.

"What are we going to do now? Do we wait until someone comes to help us?", he asked.

Had the usually omniscient Junkyu just seriously asked her a question? Where's his pride all a sudden?

Hana looked around and saw a small hatch on the ceiling. "I could climb up there through the hatch and call for help from there. We didn't move far down, someone would definitely hear me through the shaft. You just have to help me up there...". She pointed to the ceiling.

But he immediately shook his head. "That't dangerous as shit. What if the elevator keeps moving and then you're still up there. Do you have any idea how fast that will be? We're in a skyscraper right now, the elevator here is moving down at about 25 mph.".

"Okay chill!"

"Then we'll just have to wait. Although it probably wouldn't bother you anyway if I died while climbing up there.". Hana laughed ironically.

"You're right.". Junyku sat down on the floor and turned back to his cell phone.

So did Hana. She sat down and hugged her legs with her arms.

How much longer would it take?

[2o Minutes later]

The two had't exchanged a word with each other for the last few minutes until Hana finally asked a question.

"Didn't you call your mom like 10 minutes ago to have her send someone over? There is still nobody. At least I don't hear anything.".

"I did.", Junkyu leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes.

"She probably didn't call anyone on purpose so we could get along.". Hana joked.

She looked at him and noticed that he'd closed his eyes and was breathing intently.

The smile disappeared from her face.

"Hey! Are you okay?"


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