𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸 ♡

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I can't get out of it
Justlike my exploding heartbeat

•• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ••

"What do you mean?". Jihyo looked at her confused.

"Junkyu is that rich jerk two rows behind you."

Hana shook her head. That't not what she meant.

"I know. I mean...like...it seems like everyone avoids him. Sometimes it even looks like the others are afraid of him.".

Jihyo went silent and bite her lip. They walked a few meters without talking.

"Did you have an argument with him?".

"No.". Hana replied fast.

She knew that lying wasn't the best way, but it seemed like the only one to get answers.

"Well...You're right. Nearly everyone is avoiding him. But not just Junkyu. There are some more. They are a group of friends whose parents are roughly the owners of the whole city. That's why they treat everyone like shit. In principle, they can do whatever they want.". Jihyo sadly sighed.

Hanas eyes grew bigger.

"Did they ever treat you badly? She asked. Jihyo smiled, but it looked fake.

"Don't worry. Just...don't get yourself in trouble."

───※ ·❆· ※───

Hana was laying in her bed, staring at the ceiling.

She felt sorry for Jihyo.

If Junkyu and his friends are treating everyone like trash, why is nobody doing anything against them?

Like...they could have gone to the principal.

"Hana! Come and eat with us.". Her mom suddenly shouted.

Hana sighed and went down to her family.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Next day, when Hana went back to school, she was shocked about what she saw.

Based on the loud voices, there was an argument going on. But the crowd blocked Hanas view. Curiously, she approached the other students.

When Hana got close enough, she could see a tall and a short guy standing in the middle of the circle. Next to them, a girl. Her head down.

Is she crying?

Why is nobody doing something?

Suddenly the girl made her way though the people and hid in the toilet. The boys naughtily laughed.

"What happened?". Hana asked a random student next to her.

"Byounggon is said to have published revealing pictures of her on the internet." The student nodded in the direction of the toilet.

Hana stared at the two boys in shock. She didn't even know who Byounggon was...but what the heck was wrong with him.

Slowly the crowd dissolved. Hana still standing there. Her hands clenched into fists.

Hana went up to the two of them as soon as the people were gone.

"Did you really posted the pictures of her?".

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