𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟾 ♡

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Will you come back in
To my life that's been dark?

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After everyone finished eating, the six sat talking together at the table for a few more minutes until Junkyu suddenly pushed his chair back.

"I'm going back to my room. Thanks for the dinner.". He bowed and a forced smile. He had as little desire for this evening as Hana.

His father drilled his tongue against his cheek from the inside. He looked as if he would soon blow up with rage.

"JUNKYU-YA!", he called after him, but his son didn't listen to him at all and closed his door behind him with a loud bang.

Hana gulped in shock. Why was he so disrespectful in front of his parents? His behavior at school was nothing new, but the fact that he also behaved like that at home, made Hana suspicious.

"Please excuse our son. His behavior has become really unacceptable lately.". His mother felt visibly embarrassed.

"No problem at all, Mrs. Kim. Hana is just as obnoxious sometimes. It's probably because of their age.". Her father held his stomach laughing.

Hana didn't listen to the adults' conversations. Her gaze remained fixed on Junkyu's room door. Too gladly, she would now just rush in there and confront him.

"May I know where your restroom is?" interrupted Hana, drawing everyone's attention.

"Of course! Just go down the hall there and then right!", explained Mr. Kim.

Hana thanked him and straightened her dress as she stood up, since it had slipped up from sitting.

Hana walked attentively, yet briskly, along the aforementioned way. She didn't want to appear conspicuous, because in truth, she didn't just want to go to the bathroom.

At the end of the corridor, she turned right and was out of sight of the adults.

She hesitated to enter the bathroom at first, because right now she was standing in front of the room Junkyu disappeared.

But since her bladder was already pressing uncomfortably, she decided to go to the bathroom first.

After Hana washed and dried her hands, she was relieved of the decision to knock on Junkyu's door, because when she left the bathroom, she bumped into him at exactly the same time as he came out of his room.

"What are you doing here?". Hana wondered how such a stupid question could come out of the mouth of an otherwise smart student.

"You serious? What do you think people do in the bathroom?".

He avoided her eyes and put his hands in his pants pockets.

"What are you doing here, in our apartment?"

"Do you think I felt like coming here to see you? Never.".

Hana folded her arms in front of her chest.

Junkyu's eyes scanned hana's body from top to bottom, so she followed his gaze uncertainly and looked down at herself. "You look like a slut.".

Hana rolled her eyes. And her mother didn't want to believe it.

"What about you. What are you doing?". Hana asked him back.

"This is my house. Am I not allowed to walk around in my own home now without your permission?".

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