𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟿 ♡

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I can make you happy
It's gotta be you girl

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Hana tasted a piece of her cotton candy and let the sugar melt on her tongue.

"Yes they have!". she answered.

They sounded like parents watching their kids playing around.

"I didn't know you two would come to the fair with us.". Jihoon suddenly changed the theme.

"It was spontaneous. Haru asked us during the break.".

"OMG, LOOK!". Haruto screamed, which made them spin their heads.

He pointed to a colorfully illuminated stage. "A KISSING BOOTH!". he jumped around excitedly.

Hanas eyes grew bigger. She heard of it many times and watched the films on Netflix. But she never saw anything like this in real life.

"I wanna do it.". Haruto said and looked at Jihyo. "Me too.".

They faced Hana and Jihoon. Hana looked at them in shook. "Me?". She pointed at herself in disbelief.

"No. I won't do this.". She panicky laughed and waved her hands.

Haruto shrugged his shoulders. "All right. Jihoonie hyung come on...".

The younger  looked at him expectantly and pulled his arm.

"Nah...I'm not in the mood, Ruto."

"You guys are so boring.". he said disappointed. "However...". Haruto grabbed Jihyos wrist and she followed him.

"I'm not sure If i wanna see this.". Hana giggled and took another bite.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Jihyo and Haruto didn't have to wait that long, because at this time the queue was relatively short.

"Do you know where Byounggon and Hyunsuk are? Shouldn't they have been back for a long time.". Hana looked around her but got no response.


„Oh my god, what's wrong with him...?". He desperately folded his hands in front of his face.

Hana followed his eyes and met Haruto on the stage.

He was grabbing the girl tightly by the waist and kissed her without hesitation. He moved his lips against hers, which she apparently didn't like.

„That's too much...". Hana whispered.

Haruto also suddenly grabbed her neck to deepen the kiss. Even from a distance, you could see his tongue entering her mouth.

„This ... is disgusting.". Jihoon said, and tore off a piece of Hanas cotton candy. „I honestly feel sorry for this girl.".

„Holy shit. Is this Haruto?". Seunghun appeared behind them.

„Yes". Hana nodded.

„Isn't this guy only 16? He should relax a little.". He said.

───※ ·❆· ※───

"What the hell did I wrong? I was great in my opinion". Haruto explained confused.

"Yeah. Of course you were. That's why she pushed you away.". Byounggon teased.

The group decided to abandon the fair after Harutos incident and were now walking through the city.

They walked past a club from which loud music was booming and the alcohol could already be smelled on the street.

„Hey. Do you wanna go clubbing." Hyunsuk asked no one in particular. "I'm in the mood for it right now.".

„Sure". Haruto answered first and everyone was staring at him.

„I'm a little tired. So I think I should head home.". Hana explained to them.

„Would you mind if I stay, Hana?", Jihyo asked worried

She shook her head. "I'm not your mom, do whatever you want."

"I'll take here home then.". Jihoon grabbed Hanas shoulders and pushed her aside a little.

Hana started smiling and looked down on the street.

"See you tomorrow guys.". Jihoon said bye to his friends.
"Or maybe not.", Seunghun winked and a smirk appeared on his face.

"Bye". Hana shouted when they entered the club.

After a few seconds, she started walking along with Jihoon.

"This way". Hana pointed the way and he nodded.

"Why does Haruto actually come to into the club when he's a minor.". Hana asked him.

„It's Byounggon's. Better said his parents'.". Jihoon explained.

Hana completely forget about the fact that the boys basically owed the whole city.
„I see". She answered.

───※ ·❆· ※───

After a short walk. They stopped up a few meters before Hanas house. Even it was already dark, her dad was still tweaking his motorcycle.

„There it is.". Hana took a quick glance at her porch. Her dad didn't notice them.

„Thanks for walking me home...". She looked at her feet and flustered.

But Jihoon just looked past her. „Why can't I bring you till the front door?".

Hana bite her lip. She's just uncomfortable because her dad was outside.

"My dad is there.". Hana pointed at the middle-aged man.

„So what? Aren't you allowed to meet boys?". He asked.

„No. it's just like...I want to avoid uncomfortable questions, you know.".

He smirked. „I see.".

"So then...", he walked a few steps backwards. "See you tomorrow.".

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