𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟼 ♡

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•• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ••

Stop playing with fire, fill with love fire

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Hana looked after Jihyo until she was gone. But surely she was standing around the next corner and eavesdrop the conversation.

"So...why do you wanna talk?". Hana faced Jihoon and looked a little annoyed. Of course she could have said no, but something inside her was kind of curious.

"I don't know.", he started to walk and shrugged. "I didn't expect you to say yes".

Hana followed him confused until she walked next to him with a safe distance.

"So I'm skipping class because you are bored?". she guessed and wanted to leave.

Jihoon chuckled. "I'm just joking. I'm a little curious.".

"So you were just being nice to me because you didn't know I'm friends with Junkyu?".

"No. It's just like...he and his friends are idiots. I saw them doing so much shit. Nearly everybody hates or dislikes them. And I think it's understandable that I'm not that happy to find out that you're...". She stopped immediately when she realized what she was going to say.

"I am what...?". Jihoon wanted to know and faced her.

"Uhm...I mean...like...Junkyus friends all seem to be assholes. But you were very nice to me back then in the sports hall.". Hana got all shy after saying.

"You know, I think all the things they do are really shit and I want to keep myself out of this. I am his friend, yes. But sometimes I hate it.". He stopped and leaned his forearms on the window sill and looked out.

Hana gazed at him from the side. So she assessed right. Jihoon wasn't like Junkyu and his friends.

"And that's why I have my own friends, too. Sometimes he just drives me crazy.". He watched at Hana and smiled.

"Hey bro!".

A voice appeared behind them. Two guys walked towards us and greeted Jihoon.

"And here are two of them.".

Hana greeted the boys and slightly bowed.

Surprisingly, she recognized them both. The blonde tall guy from the stage and the other one who talked with Jihoon during the speech.

"Your new girlfried?", the blonde guy teased and rose one eyebrow.

"Shut up!", Jihoon elbowed him.

"Seunghun and Haruto, right?". Hana tried to remember their names.

They nodded.

Jihoon stared in shock. "How could you remember their names but you didn't even know mine.". He folded his arms in front of his chest.

The younger one, Haruto, wrapped one arm around Hanas neck. "She just likes us better.".

She was surprised by the sudden action but started to chuckle.

"Wait...what's your name?". Haruto poked her belly.


"Alright! You see Jihoonie. Hana likes us better.", he repeated and walked away with her, his arm still around her neck.

"Stay here, you jerk.". Seunghun grabbed Harutos hood and pulled him back.

Because of the harsh grip, Hana was pulled back too, and after a few steps of stumble she bumped into Jihoon.

He slightly caught her by the waist to help  straighten up again.

"I'm sorry.". Hana stuttered as she noticed how red she was.

"Are you stupid? I nearly crashed against the wall", Haruto complained and hit Seunghuns arm.

Seunghun ignored him and glanced at Hana. "You're okay?", he looked a little worried as he saw her blushed cheeks.

Hana started panicking and sweated like crazy. "I have to go now. My class already started.". She rushed down the stairs. "Bye!".

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.", she screamed to herself and run through her hair. "I can never look at him again.".

───※ ·❆· ※───

"Thank you so much! I will never disappoint you". Hana smiled as she graped the pen to sign the contract. "I was so busy looking around for a job. You really saved me.". She bowed in front of the middle-aged woman with short black hair.

"I have to thank you, Hana.". The woman smiled. "I can't wait to work with you. See you tomorrow.". She waved at her.

Hana left the cafe and started jumping around. She finally got a job. It's nothing big. She only has to serve guests in the cafe three times a week.

Easily earned money.

Suddenly her phone rang.


"It's me Jihyo.", croaked the voice from the phone. "You were gone so quickly after school. Can we meet at your place?".

"Sure. See you", Hana hung up and hurried home.

She knew that Jihyo is curious about the conversation with Jihoon. She just wanted to find out what happened.

───※ ·❆· ※───

"Come in", Hana welcomed her friend at her house.

"Hello Mrs Moon!", She bowed in front of Hanas mother, who was busily cooking. "It smells really nice.".

"Oh. I'm glad to hear this. You can stay and eat with us, if you want to.". Hanas mom suggested.

Jihyo nodded. "Of course."

After a short conversation, the girls disappeared into Hana's room. Right after she shut the door, Jihyo started blubbering.

"What did he tell you?", she threw herself on Hana's bed.

It was so obvious.

Hana shrugged. "Nothing special. It's just...he is very different from Junkyu and his friends.".

Jihyo lifted one eyebrow.

"You know, Junkyu is an idiot. He bullies, he insults, he destroys others. But Jihoon, he seems to be very different. He is friendly, he is funny, he is caring, he is..."


"Yes.", Hana agreed. "WAIT WHAT!? I didn't say that. YOU said that.", she tried to safe herself.

"But you said Yes!", Jihyo chuckled and nearly fell off the bed.

"Because i thought you would say something different...".

"Oh, come on Hana! I noticed how you stared at him in the auditorium. Your face was like a tomato.".

"Shut up!", Hana laughed and started fighting with her on the bed until a door opened.

"Girls, we can eat.", Hanas mother caught the two while Jihyo sitting on top of Hana, which was a little awkward.

"Yes mom.". Hana answered and her mother closed the door looking a bit puzzled.

The girls bursted into a  laughter.

───※ ·❆· ※───

"I suggest we drink to Hana's new job.", her dad spoke and held his glass in the air.

"Agreed". Jihyo answered.


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