𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟽 ♡

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I watched you, I was too stunned to speak

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"No. Really. It happened just like that. After the supermarket, he invited me to dinner and asked for my number," Hana justified herself.

She stood together with Seunghun and Jihyo in the city park and waited for Jihoon to finally arrive. Hana had agreed with him to help him today with the final preparations for the wedding, which would take place in two days. He had the last few days namely extremely stressed.

"Funny. It started similarly with me and Jae. Maybe something will really develop between you," Jiyho nudged her friend lightly in the side.

"Now come down for now. First of all, we've only met once before, and I don't even know what he looks like or his name.".

Seunghun crossed his arms with a grin. "Kind of pretty weird. But still kind of cute.".

It's been ages since Hana has seen Seunghun. After the '99s graduated last year, they're all pretty busy with uni stuff and barely have time for anything anymore. That's also something hana was afraid of.

"What's kind of cute?". Jihoon suddenly approached the group from behind and greeted his best friend with a handshake.

"Hana met someone," Jihyo enthused, wiggling his eyebrows and grinning in Hana's direction.

Jihoon raised his head in surprise and looked at her with wide eyes. "You did?".

"We've only seen each other once, don't exaggerate," Hana admonished her friends.

"But there must be this ... tension between you, isn't it?", Jihyo probed further.

Hana seemed to be a bit overwhelmed with the question, so she indecisively rocked from one leg to the other, nervously playing with her fingers. "I-I don't know...".

Jihoon suddenly pushed past the other two and put an arm around Hana's shoulders. "Can't you see that she's uncomfortable? Shut up and stop asking questions. You guys are dismissed, I'm taking her now anyway.". He pulled Hana with him, leaving Seunghun and Jihyo standing in the park with astonished faces.

"THANK YOU. I thought those two would never stop asking questions," Hana exhaled with relief.

"No problemo.", he finally took his arm from her shoulder and wuzzed over her head. "I'm glad you can help me again today, by the way. Together, we'll get this done really quickly. And besides, you'll get to meet Dae for a change.".

Hana immediately thought of her parents' words again. "Speaking of getting to know each other. My parents are dying to meet you.".

"They are? Why?"

"Well, let's put it this way. Do you remember the night we walked home together after the fair? My dad kind of did see us in front of the house and he wants to know who you are. And ... my mother was watching us in the car the other day when you drove me home after shopping.".

"If you ask me, you have some pretty stalker parents," Jihoon laughed.

"Oh really?!!" asked Hana wryly.

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The two walked to Jihoon's car, which was parked near a large concert hall, and drove to his mother and Dae's wedding venue.

During the drive, Hana decrypted her cell phone and clicked on her personal messages. For two days now, she had been waiting for the boy from the supermarket to call her or write her a message. Not long now, Hana would simply take it into her own hands and contact him.

But she could wait a little longer.

"Nice wallpaper, by the way," Jihoon grinned.

Hana looked down at her cell phone again and grinned at the selfie the two took together.

"I look great", he praised himself and checked his appearance in the rearview mirror. Hana rolled her eyes in annoyance and locked her phone back to a black screen.

"I can't stop thinking about the first time we met.", he laughed. "It was so funny for real. You were like omg I need an ice pack for my friend so bad, even though you were watching me dance for like minutes before. You were red like a tomato.", he hit the steering wheel while bursting in laughter

"Thanks for mentioning this. It was embarrassing as shit. how was I supposed to know you could see me through the gap?".

„You could have joined me."

„No way I would've done that."

Jihoon drove his car straight to a parking lot where some people were already gathered. One person was Jihoon's mother and the man next to him was probably Daehyeon.

"But I thought you were really cute at that moment," he chuckled, turning off the engine.

"Okay, shut up!"

Hana and Jihoon got out of the car and walked towards the crowd. Instantly, he was greeted by dozens of people which made Hana seem a little out of place.

However, she was glad to receive a warm welcome from Jihoon's mother.

Apparently, all the people had already finished setting up and were just spending time together drinking some champagne.

"Dae, this is Hana." she was suddenly introduced by Jihoon to a man in a dark blue shirt and strictly slicked back hair.

"Ah. I finally get to meet you, Hana. I'm glad you're coming to our wedding," Daehyeon smiled kindly at her and extended a hand in greeting.

"Pleased to meet you too, sir.". Hana bowed slightly to him when she suddenly felt a hand being placed around her waist.

Astonished, she hissed at Jihoon as the two of them were fully glared at by everyone else. "What are you doing?"

"Already forgotten? You're my escort at the wedding, so we have to act like that.".

The two stood with Jihoon's parents' friends and relatives for quite a while until the crowd finally dispersed and everyone seemed to go home.

"Are you coming home too, Jihoon, or do you have something else to do?" his mother asked us all of a sudden. "You're welcome to take Hana home again," she smiled kindly at her.

Jihoon seemed to think for a brief moment. "We'll catch up with you later. You guys can go home already.".

Daehyeon and his mother nodded before heading to their car.

"What are you going to do now? It'll be dark soon.", Hana buried her hands in her jacket pocket.

"Exactly what I had planned. We're going to spruce up the whole location a bit more.". He grinned and head excitedly to his car and opened the trunk.

Inside were hundreds more decorative items like balloons, bouquets, garlands and stuff like that.

„You're really putting yourself out there!", marveled Hana as she fished some balloons out of the trunk and carried them into the huge hall.

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