𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹 ♡

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Like it was meant to happen, yeah
All I can see in the crowd is you

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So the weeks passed by and nothing special happened. The class just wrote a lot of tests in the last three weeks because the school year was nearly over.

Hana became very close friends with Jihyo and her tutor Jangmi, so she felt her life couldn't be any better.

She has avoided contact with Junkyu and his friend the past few weeks ago, so with the regard of Junkyu's threat, nothing has happened. She didn't even see the principal on the hallway or something.

───※ ·❆· ※───

"Listen up! Seeing these results disappoints me... .". The class teacher explained seriously. She sat down on her chair and run through her hair. "Do you really wanna have such bad grades in your certificate? Aren't your parents disappointed in you, too?".

Jihyo next to Hana, looked very worried. She knew that she didn't pass the last two tests.

"Let your parents sign the test and bring it back, please.". The teacher stood up and grapped the sheets in front of her.

She handed out the test.

Jihyo helt her hands in front of her face as the saw her score.

"Goddamn, why can't I even be as good as you for at least one time, Hana.". She tore the test from Hana as soon as she saw her high score.

"97 from 100. That's impossible. Are you even a human?". She hit her arm.

Hana felt uncomfortable. Now everyone knew about her high score.

She felt her cheeks heating up.

"Shut up! It was just luck this time.". She wispered to Jihyo.

"Yeah, sure. Just like the last three times...". Jihyo fell silent when the teacher suddenly stood in front of the two of them.

"I'm sorry.". Jihyo apologized and bowed slighly, that her hair fell in front of her face.

But the teacher ignored her and looked at Hana.

"Hana, could you stay here a little longer. It's about your test.". A big smile appeared on her face.

Hana nodded and looked around. Almost the whole class had already left.

"You can go Jihyo. And don't forget so study.". The teacher adviced. "Maybe you can do it with Hana, so you might pass the next exams.".

What the hell. Jihyo felt a little angry. She spoke to her as if she was the worst student in the entire  class.

So she faked a smile and went out of the room. "Sure!".

───※ ·❆· ※───

Hana nervously sat on a chair in front of the principal's office and rocked her foot. Why did she have to visit him when her grades are that good. She never failed a single exam.

She was torn from her thoughts when suddenly the door opened and a tall man in a suit stepped out. She rose instantly and bowed.

"You have to be Moon Hana, aren't you?". The man smiled and shook my hand.

"Yes, I am.", she answered.

"Nice to meet you, Hana. Could you follow me please.".

Hana went right behind him and closed the door. As she sat across the principal, she nervously started to play with her fingers. But when she looked at the men more closely, she was amazed.

How could this be possible.

They look so alike.

The dark brown hair and eyes. The broad shoulders. The face that is as smooth as if it were from a comic. One might think that Hana had observed Junkyu very closely, but these were just things everyone can see directly.

Besides, it would be a lie if Hana said that she doesn't think Junkyu is handsome.

"I'm happy to inform you, that you are nearly on a par with the best of your year. And that after just two months.". He smiled proudly. "At your school the best three students are guaranteed a place at the best university of the country. We would cover part of the cost.".

Hana bite her tongue and looked down. Even if the school pays part of it, it will still be very expensive. She's not sure if her family can afford this.

"I know it's still a whole year until you graduate. But I would be happy if you thought about this offer.".

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