𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻 ♡

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I'm so addicted to you, can't control

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"Here you are...". He handed Hana the ice bag and looked straight at her face. She was a little surprised and bowed quickly to get out of the uncomfortable situation.

"I've only seen you a few times in the hallway. You are definitely new.", he spoke when she was about to turn around and leave the room.

Hana has been at this CPD High for two months now. Does that mean she's still a newbie?

Obviously yes!

But to be precise, Hana has never seen him before. Is he even a student at her school?

"Well, maybe I am still a newbie.". She smiled innocently. "But...thanks for this.". She held the ice bag in the air and stepped back. "I have to go now.".

"Do you wanna come back and join after you brought this stuff to your friend?". He asked and Hana stopped as if petrified.

Did he really invite her to dance with him? She wasn't even sure she could dance.

"Sorry. I have class...". Hana smiled apologetically and left the room.

After the door closed behind her, she sighed.

That was kind of awkward.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Hana poked the pasta with her fork. She wasn't hungry at all.

All day long she had to think about the boy from the sports hall and she hated herself for it. Why can't she just concentrate on something else and forget it.

"Hana, is everything alright?". Her mom seemed worried. But Hana was somewhere else with her thoughts and didn't even notice her mother.

"Hana?", she asked again and put her cutlery on the plate.

Hana startled and watched her parents, who both stared at her.

"Yes. I'm alright. Ummm...". She wondered if it was a good timing to mention the university and her conversation with the principal. So she would have an excuse why she was so absent the whole evening.

"Ummm...what?". Hanas dad turned serious.

"It's just...yesterday the principal wanted to speak with me.".

Her mother almost chocked.

Hana waved her hands. "No! It's not what you might think. He made me an offer for a study place at university. One of the best in the country. The school would even pay a part of it.", she explained.

But her parents looked at each other worried.

Her dad cleared his throat. "I don't know if we can afford this, Hana. Even if the school pays part of it, it's still a lot of money.".

Hana shook her head. "I know. That's why I decided to get a job.". She proposed her idea. "I will save myself some money. You know that it was always my dream to be accepted at a good university.

Her mom smiled at her. "But what if your grades suffer from the job?".

"They won't! I promise!"

───※ ·❆· ※───

The next day, all the students gathered in the auditorium during the break. It should be announced that we have a partner school, or something. Hana didn't really care.

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