𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟽 ♡

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I don't want to wake up every time, I see you in my dreams

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Hana put her hands inside the pockets of her hoodie while walking down the stairs next to him. "Why not? I'm sure it's going to be fun.", she answered.

"You do?". He looked surprised from Hanas quick acceptance.

"Sure, then you won't be so alone the whole time. Weddings can be very boring if you just sit around and do nothing.".

"Well, I won't be alone all alone. Seunghun and the other boys will also be there, 'cause their parents are invited.

"Ah.". Hana nodded. But then why should she come along? Jihoon will probably have much more fun with his friends. "Why do you want me to come along with you then?"

Jihoon chuckled. "You know, it's always good to bring a woman as a companion. My grandma is always bugging me.".

"Ah, I see, I see. You wanna use me for your relatives 'cause you can't manage to find a girlfriend by yourself?". She smirked lopsidedly.

Being honest, Hana can relate this to 100 %. I mean who doesn't? Always these annoying discussions with relatives, mostly grannies or aunts, about why you don't have a relationship and stuff. It drives hana up the wall every time.

"Yah! When you say it like that, it sounds really shitty. I wanna invite you cause you're my friend.". He scolded.

In an inexplicable way, it made her happy to hear these words of his mouth. "Then I'm satisfied.".

The two finally stopped in the living room, where Jihoon's mother was in the kitchen preparing dinner. Hana wondered why this house didn't have maids for this kind of work. At least she hadn't seen any until now.

Hana became quite shy when she recognized the woman in the pantsuit. She was still uncomfortable about having mistaken her for a maid.

"There you are, you two.". she looked up from cutting an onion and gave us a smile.

"Mom, that's Hana.". he sat down on one of the bar stools and crossed his arms on the counter.

"As if I didn't know..." she complained to her son, who just rolled his eyes.

"Nice to meet you Mrs...", hana became uncertain and broke off the sentence. She glared to Jihoon. Hana thought about the fact that his mother is yet to get married. Then what is her name at the moment? Park, like Jihoon?

His mom started laughing. "Oh dear, just call me Dahee. No formalities!".

Hana nodded and smiled back.

"You are welcome to stay for dinner if you like, Hana. My fiancé will drive Jihoon around 8 p.m. You can stay here until then.", she turned back to cooking and slid the onion into the pan with a knife.

"I would love to, but unfortunately I can't stay much longer, I have an appointment later.". Well, that was a lie, but Hana didn't want Jihoon's mother to go to the trouble. Although she cooked herself, she seemed very busy.

"Oh. That's a pity.". His mother looked up a few more times and seemed to be watching Hana.

"Just tell me. How can someone be so beautiful, Hana.". Dahee poured some of a probably sinfully expensive bottle of wine into her glass.

"MOM!". Jihoon looked at his mother as if she was insane.

Hana got all flustered and looked down at the ground so that her hair partially covered her face.

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