𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟿 ♡

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I'll try to forget everything in me
And smile, baby

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After briskly leaving the building, she looked out over the busy night traffic of seoul. Yes, it was already dark outside and hella cold. Hana didn't have the nerve to take her jacket and bag with her, so they were still upstairs in the apartment.

She regretted immediately.

With the thin dress and a temperature of just 5 degrees, Hana was already half frozen after a few seconds.

After walking a few steps, she realized that both her cell phone and her wallet were in the bag.

Hana cursed to herself. So now she didn't even have money to take a bus or streetcar home and had to walk about seven kilometers.

Hana stroked her arms as her body began to shiver after only a few meters.

Probably not just from the cold.

Walking around alone at night as a girl in a super short dress and heels wasn't smart either.

"Why am I such a dumbass!?". She looked down at her shoes, as her feet were beginning to hurt as shit.

She felt a small drop of rain dripping on her forehead.


Has she become the main character of a bad Hollywood movie, or why has it started raining now.

Hana sighed and stopped to shove her shoes off her feet. It was much more pleasant to walk barefoot over the asphalt than in these shoes.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Unfortunately, however, after a short time it started raining heavily, soaking Hana's hair and dress in water.

She could've really started crying again.

Actually, Hana loved the rain and thunderstorms. Watching the lightning flash across the sky from her room usually relaxed her, but at the moment she had become enemies with them.

"How can a person be that damn unlucky?"

As she kept walking, she was suddenly blinded by the headlights of a car driving in her direction on a secluded street.

Narrowing her eyes, she put her hand in front of her face.

But instead of driving on, the car stopped next to Hana, sending a fearful shiver down her spine.

She tightened her grip on the straps of her heels and quickened her steps.

Suddenly, her heart stopped for a moment when she noticed the sound of a car door slamming.

Did someone get out of the car?

Usually, Hana would have taken her cell phone and pretended to talk to someone. But without a cell phone, that's hardly possible.

"Isn't she?". A man's voice sounded behind her back. But strangely enough, it seemed familiar to Hana.

"You kidding, Byoung? Hana would never put herself in a dress like that...", a laugh rang through the darkness.

Byoung? Hana?

Hana stopped immediately and turned to look at the people.

Two people had gotten out of the car and one of them walked towards Hana.

nightstand | park jihoon • kim junkyu (✔)Where stories live. Discover now