𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟹 ♡

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Let's make our own secret, my babe

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Reluctantly, Hana got into the car with Junkyu and stared outside through the windshield.

Hundreds of questions were buzzing around her head, urgently seeking an answer.

„I'm sorry.". Junkyu said as he started the motor. „I'm sorry for what happened at the cafe.". He continued monotonously without taking his eyes off the road.

Hana ignored his apology. An apology can't undo what happened. So it doesn't matter.

„And I'd like to thank you...because of the incident earlier.".

Hana glared at him for a short second.

„Don't thank me! Just take your fucking spray with you. What did the man in the suit say? He said that you collapsed again. How many  times has this happened? Once? Five times? Ten times?"

He thought about her words a few moments. "Do you worry about me?". His eyes briefly left the street to check her out.

„I'm not. If I'm being honest, I really don't care what happens to you. But think about the people who care about you! Your family, your friends. What if you die one day because of that? Just because you're fucking embarrassed to be seen with that spray, am I wrong?". She placed her elbow on the armrest and uninterestingly watched the trees they passed while driving through a forest.

Hana heard Junkyu sigh but didn't pay attention.

But he suddenly braked rapidly and drove off the main road to park in an emergency bay. From the sudden action, Hana harshly slipped forward so the seatbelt almost choked her.

„Why the hell are you stopping?". Hana asked. „I don't have time and desire for an extra trip.

But Junkyu just stared out into the darkness, breathing heavily and Hana noticed his hands clench tighter around the steering wheel.

Is he about to get another asthma attack? She wondered.

„Fucking shit! I can't take this anymore. Why do you make me feel like that?", he shouted to himself .

Hana startled slightly and looked at him in confusion.

Suddenly Junkyu unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned over to her until she felt his lips on hers.

Completely taken by surprise she sat there and cluge to the armrest as she felt Junkyu cupping one of her cheeks to deepen the kiss.

But after a few seconds he broke away from her and looked at Hanas eyes, slightly breathing.

Like in trace, Hana loosened the grip on the armrest and stared back at him. Being this close to him made her smell his scent which made Hana get flustered. Her face was heated up while her whole body was shaking in a strange way.

Junkyus gaze focused back on her lips.

As he closed the gap between them again, Hana grabbed his forearm to hold on to and closed her eyes. This time, Hana returned the kiss and after a short time softly adjusted the movement of her lips to his.

Just as he swiped his tongue over her lips to ask for entrance, Hana realized what she was doing. She was having a make out session with the guy she hated and who smashed her against a wall some hours ago.

Instantly she separated from him and stared straight down at her legs. She felt her heart beating like crazy.

Junkyu also sat back in his seat and seemed equally surprised by his spontaneous action. He couldn't dare to look at Hana. She just turned her head and looked back out of the window while her eyes were filled with tears.

"Drive me home please.", was the only thing came out of her throat while she tried her best to hold back her tears.

He nodded without comment and started the engine.

Meanwhile a small tear flowed down Hana's cheek.

She couldn't believe she was so stupid as to get involved with him. He, who had treated her like crap since the first day oft school. He, wo had blabbed all of her best friend's  personal and secret stuff in front of the whole school. He, who insulted Hana and even got physical towards her. He's the one who stole her first kiss.

No one had spoken a word the entire trip until Junkyu finally stopped the car in front of her  house.

Without saying goodbye she smashed the car door behind her and rushed into the house. Fortunately her parents were meeting friends this evening, so nobody could ask her annoying questions about her puffy face and the swollen eyes.

Hana sank down behind the front door and desperately buried her hands in her hair.

What should she tell Jihyo. Hey, I made out in the car with the guy I'm supposed to stay away from, cool huh? She's gonnna hate Hana.

But most of all she hated herself.

Why did she kiss Junkyu back. And why did she like it...

───※ ·❆· ※───

Ahhh i love this chapter. I'll do a double update today <3

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