Chapter Two: Vladimir

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          "Can I sit by you?" he asked, making eye contact.

          I was caught off guard with his dark, almost purple eyes and nodded, "Sure. Going to Washington too?"

          He smiled and sat next to me, "No. I just wanted an excuse to sit by you."

          I blushed and closed my laptop, "O-Oh. Um, I'm Juliet."

          He offered his hand and he had nice rings on, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

          I gave him my hand, "Romeo and Juliet."

           He kissed my hand and I noticed his canine teeth were rather long, "Unfortunately, my name isn't Romeo. It's Vladimir."

          "The vampire?" I asked, my ears and neck turning pink now.

          Swiftly he leaned over and bit into my neck while his voice was in my head, "Please forgive me. I mean no harm. Your scent was most alluring and I couldn't resist. I just needed to meet you."

          The bite hurt at first and I was frightened. However, as he drank my blood, it felt almost good. I blushed and noticed that people weren't even paying attention. He pulled away and licked the two puncture holes.

          I shuddered and covered the lower half of my face with the back of my hand, "Well, Vlad, I hope you weren't disappointed."

          He chuckled and put his arm over my shoulders, "You're sweet. Literally. I apologize for such a bold first impression but I trust you'll keep this a secret. I promise I don't do this to every beautiful girl I see."

          "Well," I blushed and tapped my neck where he bit me, "it's not everyday this happens. I'll keep it a secret since you seem like a good person. Do you really think I'm beautiful?"

          He leaned over and kissed my neck, "You ought to keep your guard up. Creatures like us aren't uncommon. Especially in Washington. Consider this a warning, princess."

          I shivered again and a man was approaching us. Unlike Vlad, this man gave me a weird gut feeling. Was he a vampire, too?

          "Vladimir Tod, if you're doing what I think-" he said sternly with an intense gaze, making the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

          Vlad stood up quickly and stepped in front of me, "Nothing happened, Otis."

          "Hmph," Otis grunted and started to walk away, "come on. I'm tired of babysitting you."

          Vlad turned around quickly and kissed my cheek, "I hope we meet again. Since you treated me, I'll share some things with you. We're the same age and my full name is Vladimir Tod. I'm sorry that you have to move but please be careful in Washington."

          I blinked and accepted a scrap of paper with his contact information on it, "Juliet Swan. I'll contact you when I'm in Washington then."

          He winked at me and sauntered after Otis. I touched my neck again and there were two undeniable holes in my neck. What the hell? Did I really just meet a vampire? He said I was beautiful and I smelled alluring. Was that a bad thing? I feel like I just woke up from a dream. Why wasn't I afraid? He bit me and drank my blood. That was an attack, wasn't it? I blushed and bit my lower lip. It did feel a bit good. Vladimir Tod. He was kind enough to not kill me like you would see in the movies.

          "Damn," I whispered to myself.

          I'm on my own and in less than an hour, I get bitten by a vampire. At least he was nice enough to warn me about Washington. It was late at night but I started to wonder about the mythology of vampires now. Opening my laptop again, I began to listen to gothic music and research what I could about vampires.

          Without realizing it, it was time to board the plane and I packed up my things into my carry on. Mum put me in first class since it was a red eye flight and going straight to Washington. I scanned my ticket and went to my seat once the boarding process began. I put my carry on in the overhead compartment and sat in the spacious seat. As I buckled my seatbelt, my neck tingled and I touched where Vlad bit me. I was surprised to feel my smooth skin, as if it never happened. Yawning, I made myself comfortable and fell into a deep sleep before the boarding process even finished. For once, I had a dream and I was reliving a childhood memory with Jacob.

Juliet Swan in Twilight | A Jacob Black Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now