Chapter Eighteen: Hunt

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          Edward was quick to put his jacket on me and stood in front of me. Crap, crap, crap. I should've listened to Vlad. Gripping my arrowhead tightly, the Cullens gathered near me. There were two men and a woman approaching us. They looked feral. Was this the coven? Maybe they were vegetarians. Yeah. I should be fine. I grabbed Edward's cold hand and he looked at me. My heart sank when he shook his head slightly. No. They weren't vegetarians.

          "I believe this belongs to you," the dark skinned vampire in the center said and threw the ball at Carlisle.

          "Thank you," Carlisle said as he caught it with a smile.

          Edward brought his arm over my shoulders and pressed me against him, making us look part of the family.

          "I am Laurent," the center vampire said, "and this is Victoria and James."

          The woman nodded at us and James began to eye each of us, leaving me for last. I looked away from his black eyes and I buried my face against Edward's neck. I should have listened to Vlad.

          "She looks hungry," James said.

          "Yes, they were about to leave. Your coven has caused a mess for us. We have a permanent residence here," Carlisle said quickly and convincingly.

          "Really? I'm sorry. We did not know this territory was claimed," Laurent said genuinely.

          "Don't worry. We led the manhunt East. You should be fine," Victoria said almost degradingly.

          "We're just passing through. So, could you use three more players with your two leaving?" Laurent asked, amused and smiling.

          "Sure. Why not?" Carlisle threw the ball back at Laurent.

          Victoria caught it wicked fast, "I have a vicious curveball."

          "I think we can manage," Emmet taunted and Jasper laughed along.

          Laurent and Victoria were both amused as they went into the field but James stayed fixated on me. I could feel his eyes on me and my breath was shaky against Edward's neck. Edward picked me up with one arm under my thighs and turned with me holding him over his shoulders. I looked up from Edward's neck and made eye contact with James. He lost interest and turned to join his coven. Suddenly, a gust of wind hit us and James froze.

          "Mm," he growled and sniffed the wind, "you brought a meal."

          James turned and charged us but the Cullens charged as well and both sides hissed at each other. Laurent and Victoria rushed to James's side and Edward put his other arm around my waist.

          "The girl is with us," Carlisle snarled.

          I began to tremble in the presence of bloodthirsty creatures that wanted my blood. Vampires. I've never seen Carlisle like this. James looked like a beast. Now, I was afraid.

          "I can see the game is over. We'll go now," Laurent said with his hands up.

          James snarled in my direction.

          "James," Laurent said as a warning.

          James hissed and embraced Victoria. That must be his mate. I struggled in Edward's embrace. This wasn't good.

          "Ah!" Alice winced and held her head.

          "She's having a vision. Let me see," Jasper said and looked into her eyes.

          "It's-" she whimpered.

          "Bella," Jasper whispered and looked at Edward.

          "Emmet, take Julie. Rosalie, ride with Edward. Alice and Jasper, you're with me and Esme," Carlisle instructed.

          Emmet picked me up over his shoulder and the baseball cap fell off in the grass. None of us noticed the severity of the situation when we left it there. However, leaving it behind made everything so much worse. Why was Bella part of this? Emmet nearly threw me in his jeep and sped off towards their house. I think I would rather be bit by a vampire again compared to his reckless driving. What none of us were expecting was one of the coven members waiting for us at the house.

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