Chapter Eleven: New

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           I spent hours over the phone calling family and friends in Hawai'i that I was perfectly fine and safe. Thankfully, I was also able to catch up with many friends about things back home. Mum was the most stressful to call but we sorted everything out. Without thinking about it, I asked my dad for Billy's number and called him.

          "Hello?" he asked after picking up.

          "Hi, this is Juliet. I was wondering if Jacob was available," I said sheepishly.

          He chuckled, "Well, I'll be. Boy! It's for you. It's a girl."

          Over the phone were many laughing voices of guys and Jacob was growing louder as he approached the phone, "Very funny, old man. Hello?"

          "Hey, Jacob. It's Juliet," I said.

          "Oh! Uh, h-hey. (Who is it, Jakey? Your girlfriend?) Shut up! Sorry! Not you, Jules. How are you?" he asked while bickering with someone.

          I giggled, "I'm alright. Just wanted to let you know before my dad exaggerates the story. I almost got hit by a car today but I'm fine. I don't even have a scratch on me."

          "Woah, are you alright? Hey, tomorrow, we're going to the beach. It's on the reserve. Heard of La Push? We go almost every day," he said concerningly.

          "La Push? I'm tempted, Jakey. I love the beach," I teased.

          "Oh," he groaned, "save it, Jules. I hope you don't mind the nickname. I think it would be a great way to get to see each other. You were pretty tan from the beaches on Hawaii."

          I laughed and looked at the time, "I don't mind. I can't make any promises about La Push tomorrow. I'll try to check it out sometime. I have to go though. It was nice hearing your voice. I haven't seen you in a while."

          "Yeah," he said softly, "get some rest, Jules. You too. Goodnight."

          "Night, Jakey," I teased, laughing as he groaned and hung up.

          January 5, 2005: The next day we had a field trip to a compost greenhouse for biology class. I lingered by my truck after I parked and the school bus arrived not long after me. As I leaned against my truck, I looked at the dent from Tyler's van. Subconsciously, I looked where Edward would park and I blushed when I realized he was already there and looking at me. When he and his siblings approached the bus, Mike stepped into my view, blocking Edward.

          "Hey, look at you! You're alright," he said sheepishly.

          I nodded and played with my jacket, "I'm alright! I got lucky."

          "So," he shuffled a bit, "I know it's not for a while but I was wondering if you'd want to be my date to prom."

          I blinked and glanced at Jessica, "You know, you're a great guy but Jessica was really hoping you'd ask her."

          He looked at Jessica and she waved at us, "R-Really?"

          I nodded and playfully punched his arm, "No hard feelings?"

          He nodded and walked with me to our friends, "Yeah, no hard feelings."

          I glanced back at Edward and he looked relieved. Did he hear us from that far away? Why would he care? Wait, why do I care? I shook my head and boarded our bus while the Cullens boarded their own bus. When we got to the greenhouse, I walked with my group until I brushed past Edward.

          "Are you going to prom?" he asked as I walked by him.

          I jumped with him close next to me, "Oh! Uh, I haven't really thought about it. You know, you really should start conversations with a 'Hi' or something."

          "Hi," he teased and picked a flower.

          "Yeah, yeah. Hi. Why'd you stay behind?" I asked.

          He responded by putting the flower in my hair, "You're.. Sweet. Like a flower."

          I giggled, "You mean I smell like a flower?"

          "Um," he blushed, "y-yeah. Look, about the van, I had an adrenaline rush. You can Google it."

          I rolled my eyes and didn't notice the crack in the ground, "Sure. About prom, I don't think I-"

          My foot hit the uneven ground and I was about to fall but Edward put his arm around my upper back to support my weight. Instinctively, his other arm came up and I held it with both hands as I readjusted my feet and balance. When I was steady, I let go of his arm but he kept his other arm around me.

          "Th-Thanks," I said shyly and blushed.

           He was red too and nodded, "You're welcome. Honestly, you're really clumsy."

            I scoffed and backhanded his chest, "You're protective."

          He exhaled a laugh but Jessica ran to me excitedly, "Julie! Julie!"

          Without noticing, she ran in between Edward and I, making Edward move on with the group. Jessica realized what happened too late but eyed me suspiciously.

          "Yes?" I asked, a little irked.

          "Oh! Mike just asked me to be his date to prom!" she squealed.

          "Aw! You two look great together!" I said happily.

          For the rest of the walk in the greenhouse, she gushed over the prom and how she's going with Mike. I listened the best I could until it was time to leave. Outside, Eric was poking around in some compost bins and got a worm on the stick he was using.

          "Julie!" he said, "Look! A worm!"

          I grabbed the worm and pretended to throw it at him, "Never seen a worm before?"

          "GAH!" he yelled and flinched.

          I laughed with the guys and tossed the worm back in the bin. I wiped my hand on my jeans and walked between the two school buses. Behind me was Edward, jogging to catch up to me. This was all new to me. He's never been like this before.

          "Hi," he said with a smirk.

          "Hi! Wow, it's like you're learning," I teased.

          "Whatever," he said and adjusted the flower still in my hair.

          "To what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked as I swatted his hand from my hair, noticing his hands were always cold.

          "Are you going steady with anyone?" he asked.

          I tilted my head, "Going steady?"

          "Um," he shuffled and put his hands in his pockets, "are you spoken for?"

          I blinked a few times, "I beg your pardon?"

          He opened his mouth but Alice jumped between us, "Hi! Are you riding the bus with us?"

          I shook my head and pointed at my bus, "Sorry. Uh, I'll see you later, I guess."

          I boarded the bus and we returned to campus with someone waiting for us.

Juliet Swan in Twilight | A Jacob Black Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now