Chapter Thirty One: Pretty

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          May 28, 2005: It was Saturday morning and I woke up to my alarm on my iPod. School was officially over and today was the day of the prom. I smiled and started to get changed into a simple crop top and shorts before taking the curlers out of my hair. My hair was beautifully curled and I used a hairspray so that the curls would hopefully last all day. Excitedly, I got my heavy duffle and went downstairs after washing my face and putting on my favorite moisturizer.

          "Leaving so soon?" my dad asked as he tossed me a red apple.

          I caught it and laughed, "The girls are meeting at Angela's to do our makeup together. I have to drive to the lodge anyway. Don't worry. The girls have their own room at the motel. Jacob really doesn't mind and we all get along."

          "Well," he huffed and sipped his coffee, "have a great night. I love you. Drive safe."

          "Always do. Love you, too. Bye, dad," I said and quickly left.

          In my truck, I tossed in my bag and headed over to the Cullen's house. I was eager to see Jacob tonight. He was going to look handsome, no matter what. I really hope I look pretty, too. I parked outside of the Cullen's home and Alice was waiting for me at the front door. She was more than happy to welcome me back in and this time, Rosalie was also in Alice's room.

          "Get changed into your dress," she ordered once we entered Alice's room.

          "Rosalie," Alice whined, "don't be so scary."

          I was already changing out and got into my dress, "It's alright."

          Rosalie inhaled deeply, "You smell like a dog. That isn't normal. You're sleeping with that wolf, aren't you?"

          I got pissed and Alice held me back, "I don't sleep around. He's more than a wolf. Even if I was, what's it to you?"

          She actually laughed, "Maybe I was wrong about you. You aren't some timid little girl, are you?"

          I rolled my eyes and put on my heels, "Maybe. Anyways, are you here just to annoy yourself or me?"

          "You should be thankful. If Alice had to do your makeup and nails, then you'd be here all day. No. I'm doing your makeup and she's doing your nails. She's been practicing on Jasper since you liked it on Edward so much," she smirked.

          I blushed and turned to Alice, "You told her?"

          Alice giggled, "Oops. You were smart to do your hair overnight. It looks lovely. Maybe I should get extensions for my hair."

          I sat at Alice's vanity and Rosalie sat in front of me, "Why not use a curling iron?"

          "I don't want to damage my hair. I also don't have that much patience to sit there and burn my hair," I snorted.

          "Stop talking," Rosalie said as she went through my makeup to start on my face.

          I obeyed and listened to Rosalie and Alice interact with each other. Alice was painting my nails black to match my hair and Rosalie was saying that she was giving me a 'smokey brown eye' or something. Rosalie always looks beautiful and I trust her. After a few hours, they were completely done. It took a little longer than I expected because Alice needed to do a protective top coat on my nails and she had also done my toes. Rosalie and I were talking and she actually helped fix my hair by adding a few pins in it. I barely recognized myself when I looked in the mirror.

          "Even I'll admit you look good. If you don't turn heads then I'll turn them for you," Rosalie said proudly.

          "Oh, my gosh! There's so many futures opening up for you now! You're so pretty!" Alice bounced up and down.

          I thanked them and I brought out a few gifts for them and their family. It seemed silly but it was postcards and magnets of Hawai'i because there would be no way for them to safely visit with the constant sun. Rosalie said nothing when she looked at one of the postcards of a beach and Alice waved her hand for me to excuse myself and leave. Just before I left, I put my bag at the front door and heard a faint piano. I knew this song. Without thinking, I followed it and found myself going upstairs and peered into the room where the music was coming from.

          Feeling stupid, I knocked on the open doorframe, "Hey."

          Edward looked up from his book and sat up quickly from the odd bed he was on, "J-Juliet?"

          I laughed awkwardly as he walked towards me, "S-Sorry. Alice and Rosalie wanted to make me look pretty before prom tonight. Are you going with Bella?"

          He brushed a loose strand of my hair away from my eyes, "Rosalie did? I am going with Bella. You're going with Jacob, right?"

          I nodded and looked into his room, "I didn't mean to intrude. I heard the piano and.."

          He offered for me to come in and I did, "You know it?"

          I smiled and walked to his massive collection of CDs, "DeBussy. Clair de lune is beautiful."

          He offered his hand to me, "May I?"

          "I suppose since we can't really dance together at the prom," I said softly and took his cold hand.

           He pulled me into him, "You look very beautiful."

          I danced with him and he held me softly, "Thank you, Edward. Are you happy?"

          "Happy?" he asked and locked his eyes with mine.

          "Nevermind," I said and tried to laugh it off.

          He twirled me and dipped me, "Are you happy?"

          "I am," I said as he stopped dancing with me.

          He took my hand and guided me back to his door, "Thank you for the dance. You should leave before Emmet or Jasper wake up. They haven't fed yet."

          I nodded and my hand slid out of his, "I'll see you tonight."

          He smiled a crooked smile that I haven't seen before and I quickly headed outside. Honestly, what am I doing? I hopped back into my truck and headed out to the diner where I was meeting Angela and Jessica. We thought it would be fun to get brunch in our prom dresses and headed to the Elks Lodge to help Eric and Mike set up with the prom committee and teachers that were chaperones. Mike couldn't keep his eyes off Jessica, mostly because of how good her boobs looked, and Eric was rather smitten with Angela, making her very happy. I missed Jacob and stood outside at the lobby as the juniors were coming in.

Juliet Swan in Twilight | A Jacob Black Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now