Chapter Thirty: Primp

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          May 2005: When the month of May arrived, Jacob and I convinced our dads of the fake prom plans and that was one less thing we had to worry about. Things were getting easier at school until final exams were coming up. Prom was going to be the end of the school year but we had to focus on exams the week before. Although we were juniors, it was going to be difficult because it could affect our senior year. Our group began studying almost every day after school together. However, with Eric, Jessica, Angela, and Mike all being together, I felt like a fifth wheel. As awkward as it was, I ended up at the Cullen's house to study with Alice. Jasper wasn't comfortable being around me yet. It made things between Edward and I just as awkward because I always left his house when he was coming home. Despite that, he was still dating Bella. Being with Jacob every night was helping me relieve stress and he insisted that he didn't mind coming and going during the night. He was spending his time with Sam's pack to learn his new wolf abilities. We weren't always lustful and he would tell me about his progress and would sometimes tell me stories to help me fall asleep.

          There hasn't been any news about Victoria or Laurent so the Cullens and Billy agreed that they must have moved on. There were no sightings of either of them. Over summer, I was going to be going to Hawai'i and Okinawa for two weeks each. That meant I was spending July away from Jacob. I didn't know how to tell him that yet. Regardless, I still checked in with Vlad and he was also relieved that there haven't been any sightings of Victoria or Laurent. Deep down, I was looking forward to seeing my friends and family because there was only so much I could say over the phone. Before I knew it, exams came and went, leaving the focus entirely on prom.

          Two nights before the prom, Jacob came as usual, "Hey, baby."

          "Shh," I said as I pressed my finger to my lips, "my dad is about to leave."

          He nodded and, because I already told my dad goodnight, he left without coming into my room before he left. I watched him leave from my window and hugged Jacob tightly once he was out of sight.

          "Hm?" he hugged me and carried me to my bed, "What is it?"

          "Tomorrow, is it ok if you don't come over? I need to start looking my best for prom and tomorrow night I have a lot to do," I said softly.

          He groaned and kissed my neck, "Fiiiine. But tonight, I want extra love from you."

          I moaned and ran my hands down his chest, "What would you like?"

          "Tell me you love me. I know you're my mate. I'm very grateful to have already fallen in love with you before I imprinted on you. You have no idea how much it means to me that you love and accept me," he said and rolled on his side to face me.

          I always loved these calmer, intimate moments and held him on me, "Of course, my love."

          I spent the next hour whispering to him how much I love him and all the things I love about him. He fell asleep in my arms and I was so lucky to have him in my life. Eventually, I also fell asleep to the sound of his breathing and his natural scent. My heart would only beat for him. In the morning, I already missed him and started getting ready for the next couple days.

          First, I started to pack some clothes in a duffle bag for after the prom with my shoes that had a clean pair of socks tucked into them. I threw in my prom dress, heels, clutch, and makeup as well. Alice wanted to do my makeup and nails before prom. Even though prom wasn't until tomorrow, I wanted to be ready. I spent the day plucking my eyebrows and bleaching my peach fuzz. Then, I started to trim and file my nails. I soaked in the bath a little earlier than usual to make sure my skin was silky smooth and I shaved my entire lower half and pits.

          After my shower and bath, I put my hair in curlers that I could sleep in and lotioned my body all over. I used an exfoliating serum and sleeping mask for my face, too. I laid in bed and put some lavender oil on my wrists. I really hope that I look perfect for tomorrow. Prom is really important and I want to have the time of my life with Jacob and my friends. Somehow, I was able to channel my excitement into sleep and slept through the whole night with Jacob's scent still lingering on my bed. 

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