Chapter Twenty Four: James

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          I sat among the pack and noticed they were all over six feet tall, some could even be seven feet tall. They had short hair but their facial features still preserved their Native American qualities. Even though some of them were shirtless, I wasn't attracted to them. Their muscles were incredibly defined but they each had a circular tribal tattoo somewhere on them. One of them caught my gaze and tossed a football at me.

          "I'm Paul Lahote," he said, "and you must be someone important for Billy to take in from a cold one."

          "Cold one?" I asked.

          "He means the Cullens. My name is Jared Cameron. What is your relationship to Jacob Black?" the other man asked and put his hands up.

          I tossed the football back at him, "I'm his m-, uh, girlfriend."

          "Then why are you involved with the Cullens?" Sam asked, almost angry.

          "I go to school with them," I said, getting defensive.

          "The witch has been fixated on you. She came many times and caused problems for us. If one of us dies, how can you repay us?" he asked.

          "A life for a life. My life might not be the same worth as yours but I already gave my hair in exchange for being healed. It was never my intention to cause any problems," I said.

          "Sam," a woman from behind them said as she was coming out of the house, "enough. That's no way to treat a lady."

          Jared quickly walked to me and helped me stand while whispering in my ear, "She's Sam's fiance. Don't stare. It bugs him."

          I was confused until I saw her fully in the light of the fire and she offered her hand to me, "I'm Emily."

          I looked at her eyes instead and shook her hand, "Juliet."

          "Please, come in. It's been so long since there's been another girl here," she said kindly and led me inside with the pack now spreading out around the house outside.

          Emily had three scars that were so deep, making them look like they haven't healed. On the right side of her face, it ran from her hairline to her chin. The innermost scar ran from the outer corner of her eye to her mouth, giving her a permanent grimace. Regardless, she was beautiful. Her house was very cheerful inside with bright colors and it almost reminded me of Hawai'i.

          "So," she said, "I heard about your situation and I don't envy you. You must mean a lot to the Cullens for them to bring you here."

          I shook my head as I followed her into a bedroom, "Carlisle is very compassionate. He would've done the same for anyone else. You and your home are very beautiful."

          She spun around and smiled, "Thank you! Did you know that Sam caused these scars? I was rejecting him and-"

          "Emily," Sam said loudly from the doorframe, making us jump, "we all know that was from a bear."

          Emily cleared her throat and handed me some clothes, "I was going to say that you caused the scars because you insisted on taking care of me yourself. We could've gone to the medicine woman."

          "Sweetheart," he growled and went to kiss her, "you know her price. She could have taken your eye in exchange."

          "Why are you bothering me now?" she asked, a little pink.

          "Right," he said and turned to me, "they're back."

          I immediately ran out and saw Jacob getting out of my truck. He smiled seeing me and embraced me. A couple fingers tapped my shoulder and I turned to see another short-haired pack member.

          "I'm Embry Call. Jake wouldn't stop talking about you. It's nice to meet you," he said and pecked my cheek.

          I nearly swung at him but Jacob held me back, "Easy, puppy."

          "Puppy?" Billy asked from his truck, making us both blush, "Why don't you help your old man and let her fight?"

          "Dad," Jacob said and went to get him and his wheelchair, "I was holding her back for Embry's sake."

          The pack laughed and I sat in the open driver's seat of my truck. Everything looked normal. We all gathered at my truck and there was news.

          "The vampire known as James has been killed by the Cullens. Bella was kidnapped but was injured in the fight. She's in the hospital in Forks now. However, the witch is still on the loose. Given the circumstances, I believe it is safe for Julie to return home tomorrow," Billy said.

          Sam was silent for a few minutes but he began to pace, "It is reasonable. Juliet, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You know how to get to the Black house from here? If not, Jared or Paul can drive."

          I shook my head, "I know how to get there. Thank you for everything." 

Juliet Swan in Twilight | A Jacob Black Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now