Chapter Fourteen: Animal

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          "Well," he cleared his throat, "um, did you want to put that in my car?"

          I nodded, "Yeah. Sorry. I don't know what overcame them."

          "They seemed interested in drama. At least, they were both thinking that it would be interesting," he said and led me to his car.

          "What do you mean? How do you know what they were thinking?" I asked quickly, thinking about what Vlad said.

          He froze and held the back door open, "Well, you're going to prom and shoved you at me, right?"

          I eyed him and put my things in the back seat, "Not quite. Is there somewhere, uh, private we can talk?"

          He looked nervous and tilted his head to his car. I gulped and touched the pepper spray from my dad in my jeans pocket. He has to be a vampire. He just has to be. We sat in his car and he drove to a lookout in the port. I shifted in my seat when we parked and exposed my neck.

          "I-I know what you are, Edward," I said softly.

          "Say it," he said seriously.

          "You're a vampire. Aren't you?" I said confidently.

          "Who bit you?" he asked bluntly.

          "A friend. Why were you with Bella?" I asked.

          "Jealous?" he asked, smirking a little.

          I shook my head, "I'm with someone. Does she know?"

          He looked puzzled and looked away from me, "I-I don't know. Who are you with?"

          "None of your business. Why were you with Bella?" I asked again.

          "I thought she was you. Your scents are both similar and strong. I thought you were in danger, but it was her who was in danger. Are you not attracted to me?" he asked.

          I blinked, "What? Look, um, I just have a lot of questions."

          "Go ahead," he said softly, his eyes observing me.

          "Why can't you be in the sun? You and your family were gone today," I asked, trying to calm down.

          "Direct sunlight will burn our skin. It will literally burn us and we end up giving off black smoke as our skin turns red and peels," he said.

          "You're always cold and you stopped Tyler's van. I saw you across the parking lot," I said.

          He ran his hand through his hair, "We aren't exactly alive so we don't have actual blood flowing through our body, like you. We also have enhanced abilities, like smell, sight, hearing, speed, and strength. I was just relieved that I was fast enough to get to you."

          I thought it over and gulped, "Did you mean it literally when you said I smell like a flower?"

          He gestured with his finger for me to lean towards him and I obeyed, "Your scent hit me like a battering ram when I first saw you. It's been getting easier being around you but I can't resist fantasizing what your blood must taste like. You've already been bitten yet you're alive."

          I closed my eyes as he touched my neck, shivering from his cold fingers, "The vampire who bit me only wanted a taste. Can you not do the same?"

          His other hand grabbed his wrist and forcefully pulled himself away, "I-I can't. I need to take you home."

          I sat back in my seat and touched my neck to chase away the lingering cold. He was silent and drove back towards Forks. However, while we were passing the police station, I saw my dad's cop car. There were a lot of first responders here.

          "My dad is still here? Can we pull in?" I thought out loud.

          "My dad's car is at the end. Why is he here?" Edward asked.

          There was an ambulance here as well and I saw Tyler's van on a tow truck. After Edward parked, we walked out and Dr. Cullen was coming out of the office. My heart was beating hard and I was rapidly growing worried about Tyler. Why was his van here? Dr. Cullen stopped in front of us.

          "Carlisle," Edward said softly, "what's going on?"

          He sighed deeply, "Tyler's van was found by a river bank. I just examined the body."

          My heart sank and I brought my hands to my mouth, tears already streaming down my cheeks, "N-No. H-He's dead?"

          "I'm so sorry, Juliet. Your dad is inside," he said and petted me with a heavy hand.

          Without saying anything, I ran into the building and started to cry. Not Tyler. The office was empty except for my dad sitting at his desk. My dad was staring at Tyler's picture on his monitor and I bent down to hug him from behind.

          "I'm never going to forget how I treated him after the car accident," he said grimly.

          I sobbed, "Wh-What killed him?"

          "The same animal that killed the guard in the other county. I promise we'll get this animal. Here," my dad said and handed me a thicker canister, "carry this bear mace on you. Please. It'll give me peace of mind. I don't want you out late anymore."

          "Alright, Dad. Let's go home," I said gently, wiping my eyes.

          On the way home, I was growing angry that one of my friends was killed. Now, I had to confront Edward. I needed to know if this truly was an animal. I spent the weekend in my room, angry and sad that I lost one of the first friends I made here. It wasn't fair.

          January 10, 2005: After the weekend, it seemed like Edward was avoiding me. After school, I saw him in the parking lot but so did Bella. When I thought she was walking up to him, she brushed past him and headed up into the forest next to our school. Edward followed her into the mist. I grew frustrated and walked to his sibling's jeep. Maybe they can give me answers.

          "Can we help you?" Rosalie hissed from the passenger seat when I approached Emmet in the driver's seat.

          "Save it," I snapped back, suddenly confrontational, "I guess Edward didn't tell you."

          "Tell us-" Emmet growled but Jasper put up his hand when Alice's face went blank.

          I didn't even notice them in the backseat. Alice looked at me and then Emmet.

          "She knows," she said, uncharacteristically seriously.

          They all exchanged glances and Emmet revved his jeep, "Follow us. If that hunk can keep up."

          I scoffed and ran to my truck. He didn't give me much of a chance to even follow him but I eventually caught up. They led me up into the mountains. It was probably stupid of me to follow them but I didn't care. We stopped in front of a gorgeous mansion with huge windows and I parked next to his jeep. 

Juliet Swan in Twilight | A Jacob Black Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now