Chapter Twenty: Jacob

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          I opened my eyes and heard the crackling of a fire beside me. My head was throbbing and low voices murmured around me. It was warm but the wind was chilly. Stars twinkled above me. Stars. Shit! What time is it?! I sat up suddenly and immediately regretted it.

          "Easy, Julie," Billy said calmly next to me, "you gave us quite the scare."

          I put my hand to my head and felt it was bandaged, "Billy? Where am I? What happened? Where's-"

          "Calm down. You're safe and Charlie knows you're here. What do you remember?" he asked as I looked around the campfire, not recognizing anyone.

          "Billy, I-I don't know what I can say," I said.

          "Carlisle bandaged you up. That vampire witch got you pretty bad," a shirtless man said as he stood up, "I'm Sam Uley."

          "J-Juliet Swan. I-" I looked around helplessly and Billy chuckled.

          "Carlisle told us that you knew about the treaty. As well as knowing that the Cullens are vampires. Tell us about this witch," he said.

          "Victoria. Her mate is James. They killed Tyler. Victoria is hunting me," I said softly.

          "We lost the witch. Jared is tracking her. She's still in our territory," Sam said.

          I nodded, still confused, "Where's Jacob?"

          "Inside. Why don't you let him know you're awake? I have to figure out the next moves with Sam here. Don't worry. Carlisle is fine and returned to his coven. I told Charlie that I was going to be borrowing you for a few days," Billy said and waved me to a house with a few lights on inside.

          I nodded and stood up, a little uncoordinated but walked to the house. Was Jacob upset with me? I touched my chest and realized I dropped the arrowhead in the woods. Looking at my arm, it was bandaged too. Carlisle must have struggled if I was bleeding. I knocked on the front door and saw a figure approaching through the glass panes.

          "Yea-" Jacob opened the door and I hugged him before he could say anything else.

          He froze for a moment before hugging me tightly and closing the door behind me. However, he ended up pressing me against the door and held me by my shoulders.

          "Juliet! What the hell happened?" he demanded.

          I started to cry and wiped my eyes with the back of my hands, "I-I'm sorry, J-Jacob. I-I was so scared. Please d-don't be m-mad at me."

          "Hey, shh," he started to wipe my face and brushed my hair behind my ears, "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get angry. I was so worried about you, Juliet. You were hurt and I've been so upset that I didn't know why or what was going on. It's ok. You're safe here. I won't let anything else happen to you. Come here."

          He hugged me tightly and I cried in his arms. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to his room. Still carrying me, he sat on his bed and stroked my hair. When I had calmed down for a bit, I held his hand and pressed my forehead against the side of his neck.

          "I'm being hunted by two vampires that also killed Tyler. A woman and a man. They're each other's mates. Victoria is the woman who hunted me here. Carlisle was just bringing me here where I would be safe. He gave me a whistle to blow but nothing happened. I used the arrowhead to cut my arm to distract her when she almost killed him," I said softly.

          I felt his body heat and heart beat rise slightly. He squeezed my hand. Jacob has always been so patient with me. He's calming to be with and he makes me laugh. Even now, I feel safe with him. I know he cares about me and I care about him too. I love spending time with him.

          "Did you know that there's another story about a woman who sacrificed herself for the man she loves?" he asked softly.

          "I would've done the same for you. I-" I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands.

          "What?" Jacob asked quickly, his eyes growing wide and a smile forming.

          "I-I-" I stuttered, turning red from head to toe.

          I'm in love with Jacob Black. I don't know how or when, but I love him. Undeniably.

          Jacob pulled my hands from my mouth and kissed me, "I love you, Juliet."

          We barely pulled away and my lips still brushed against his, "I love you too, Jacob." 

Juliet Swan in Twilight | A Jacob Black Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now