Chapter Seventeen: Baseball

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          I quickly answered my phone, "Vla-"

          "You need to get to the Quileute tribe. Now," Vlad said extremely seriously.

          I sat up and began getting dressed, "What's going on?"

          "There's only one coven that Otis could think of who would kill only one human. They hunt for sport. The coven is led by a vampire named James and his mate. It's possible that they recruited another but it's hard to say. I'm sorry but I don't trust the Cullens to protect you," he explained.

          I froze and sat back on my bed, "Thanks. I'll call you later."

          He hung up on me and I scoffed. That's ridiculous. Sure, the Cullens don't really like me with the way things have turned out, but I still trust them. Annoyed, I looked at the time and went to bed. Edward didn't give me a time to come over but I figured the earlier the better since dad wouldn't want me out past sunset. I fell asleep while holding the arrowhead and thinking of Jacob. I woke up still holding the arrowhead and left a note for my dad on the kitchen table before I left.

          March 15, 2005: As I drove out to the Cullen's home, I stopped to eat breakfast at the diner since I knew they wouldn't have any food. My stomach turned thinking about them feeding on me instead. My strawberries almost made me lose my appetite on my waffles. Well, almost. I love fruits too much to not eat them. After I paid and left a tip, I got back on the road to the deep mountains. Alice wasted no time coming out to greet me as I parked.

          "I saw you coming! Thanks for joining us!" she said and hugged me.

          "J-Join? Wha-" I stuttered and Emmet came out.

         "You play sports, right? We needed another player," he interrupted and put a baseball cap on my head.

          "Huh?" I asked and looked at everyone coming out.

          "Bella wasn't interested," Edward said and opened the passenger door for me at his car.

          I reluctantly got in his car and we were alone for the drive. Annoyed, I glared at him and he shifted in his seat.

          "I thought this was for something important. I wouldn't have come if you told me this was why. I'm not your girlfriend," I growled.

          "S-Sorry. Look, I'm just very confused. I was certain about being attracted to you. Bella's scent is just similar to yours but it isn't the same. I was hoping I could grow to enjoy her company but it is just distracting. I thought this would be a way for us to hang out. Get to know my family. Get to know me. Get to know you," he said nervously.

          "Not while we're both dating, you moron. Does your family even like me?" I snarled.

          He chuckled, "Carlisle, Esme, Alice, and Emmet do. Jasper is a new vegetarian and Rosalie hates everyone. Even me. Who are you dating? You haven't told me."

          I glanced at him, "Jacob Black. We're childhood friends. Billy is my dad's good friend, too."

          The car got tense and Edward struggled to focus, "The wolf pack. I.. see. Maybe I should tell you about myself and my family."

          I sighed and leaned against the window, "If it'll make you feel better."

          "Well," he said as we started to drive through some woods, "I can read minds, like telepathy. Alice can see the future, like precognition. Jasper had the ability of pathokinesis. Rosalie has incredible beauty and Emmet has incredible strength."

          "What about Carlisle and Esme?" I asked, a little intrigued.

          "I guess the passionate ability to love and nurture. After all, Carlisle changed all of us to save our lives. Esme acts as if she was our real mother, too," he answered happily.

          "Why are you attracted to me?" I asked directly.

          He tilted his head and parked his car in front of a large open area in the woods, "I can't read your mind. Your scent is alluring, like temptation. Even with my abilities, you haven't been suspicious of me, so to speak. You even thanked me for saving you. I'm attracted to your ability to accept me. You don't even seem afraid of me."

          I sighed, "I was attracted to you. I appreciate your attempts but I'm seeing Jacob now. You're dating Bella, too."

          He said nothing and got out first before opening my door for me. I got out and watched Carlisle and Emmet pull up in their vehicles. With the storm clouds rolling in, the Cullens wanted to play baseball and I was going to be the umpire. It was intense watching them play with the assistance of lighting and I really had to pay attention to make the right calls. However, Edward and I were about to leave when I got hungry for lunch when three people stepped out of the treeline holding one of the stray baseballs.

Juliet Swan in Twilight | A Jacob Black Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now