028. ꕥ Caring

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I woke up abruptly to two gunshots

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I woke up abruptly to two gunshots. They sounded like they were just outside the door. Trying to refocus my eyes, I shook my head a little bit. I noticed that I wasn't on the ground anymore but in a makeshift hammock. How'd I get here?

Looking around the Dropship, there were sick people everywhere. My eyes landed on my brother, who still has his back up against the wall asleep. I simply smiled at the sight.

I swung my legs over the hammock, my feet dangling just above the floor. Once my feet landed on the floor, I almost lost my balance and fell, but I quickly caught myself.

I still felt weak and tired, but I somehow found the energy to make my way out of the Dropship. Standing on the ramp, I looked around to see kids standing around; some had guns in their hand's others had cloths. They all have panic written across their face.

I noticed Clarke walking around, gun in hand, pointed at the sky. "They don't have to kill us if we kill each other."

A random kid stepped forward with his gun aimed at Clarke. "They don't have to kill us if we all catch the virus. Get back in the damn Dropship!"

Bellamy, who stood off to the side, took the gun out of the kid's hands, and he sent the butt of it into his forehead. The kid stumbled back and quickly got lost in the crowd.

"Not to state the obvious," Bellamy started. "but your quarantine isn't working."

Clarke dropped the gun in her hands and looked dizzy. She was about to fall to the ground until Finn caught her. "Finn, don't touch her!" Raven shouted, but he ignored her holding Clarke's frail body in his arms.

I rushed to move beside him, making sure not to touch him. "You can't do that." I told him softly.

He gave me a look before turning his attention back on Clarke. Her eyes were barely open as she spoke. "Hey, I'm okay."

Finn shook his head. "No, you're not."

"Octavia will come back with a cure." She assured.

Some might think the moment was planned because just as the words left Clarke's mouth, Octavia came running through the crowd. "There is no cure." She stopped at the front of the crowd staring at us, and she paused for a moment before announcing, "But the Grounders don't use the sickness to kill."

"Really? Tell that to them." Bellamy challenged before he moved to the side and pointed at the kids who had died from the virus. Octavia closed her eyes and sighed, so Bellamy took this time to chastise his younger sister. "I warned you about seeing that Grounder again."

"Yeah well, I got a warning for you too." She rebutted. "The Grounders are coming, and they're attacking at first light!"

Worried murmurs spread across camp at the news. I was worried, too; the Grounders are coming to try and kill us all. We were about to be even more screwed.

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