091. ꕥ A Hard Day

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Kane had left Medical not long after Jaha did, but I decided to stay in Medical to see if I could help Abby and Jackson. Granted, I wasn't a doctor like they were, but I did know some of the basics, and I wanted to help as much as I could. And I knew Abby and Jackson could probably use the help with all of the sick Grounders. From what Abby said, they weren't getting any better, and it made my stomach hurt to see these people suffering.

It especially didn't help when Pike, Bellamy, and a few guard members came in and demanded that these Grounders leave. They didn't say anything; the guards just came in here and started yanking the Grounders from their beds. Some of the Grounders were too sick even to move, which just made matters worse.

Pike and Bellamy stood off to the side, watching the guards as Abby and I turned furiously to the two. My fists were clenched as Abby spoke in a harsh tone. "What are you doing? These are sick people. You can't just throw them out into the cold."

"We're not." Pike claimed. "They're being interned."

"What?" Abby asked in disbelief.

"That is the most ridiculous thing ever!" I fumed as my eyes went from Bellamy to Pike, with the former refusing to meet my eyes once again.

When we heard a voice from the hallway say, "Out of my way," Abby and I turned to see Lincoln storming into Medical with Jackson following behind him. I could already tell Lincoln had an angry expression on his face, which meant this situation just got a lot more complicated.

"Lincoln, you don't want to be here right now." Said Bellamy, which had me turning back to face him.

"Why's that? He shouldn't be here when you're locking his people up for coming here when we told them that we would help?" I shot back.

My tone had Bellamy faltering from his usual, unbreakable stance when he was on duty. He had to blink a few times at me before looking anywhere that wasn't at me. It had only been mere hours since mine and Bellamy's fight and one of us walking on eggshells when around the other. I wasn't. I am not going to back down and not speak my mind when Pike and his people were doing something wrong, that included Bellamy. However, I wouldn't lie and say it didn't catch me a little off guard when he came in with Pike earlier.

Lincoln slowly walked closer as he pointed to the Grounders. Through written teeth, he said, "We asked them to come here."

"We can't spare the supplies." Pike said as if it was as simple as that.

Lincoln's eyes then caught on something to his right; turning my head to see what that was, I saw a guard making one of the Grounders — the sickest of them all, Denae — try and sit up on her own.

"Denae." Lincoln said as he tried to move over to her but was stopped by a Farm Station member.

"Lincoln, no." Abby warned because she knew just as well that I did that all Pike needed was just the slightest reason to throw Lincoln into lock-up with the Grounders.

Gillmer, the Farm Station man that stood in Lincoln's way, came face to face with the Trikru man. I noticed his hand was hovering over his holstered weapon, which made me do the same, allowing myself to be ready for the worst-case scenario.

"She is too sick to move." Lincoln seethed, not backing down from Gillmer's glare.

Gillmer just glanced back at Denae, who was struggling to sit up before looking back at Lincoln with the same death glare. "Looks like she's moving just fine to me."

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