104. ꕥ Waking Up To Ash And Dust

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"It's been an hour since we passed the airplane wreckage." Jasper informed from where he sat on the back seat, Lincoln's book in hand, flipped to the map's page, scanning over it and directing Bellamy where to go. "Seeing as we're using a map without any distances, it could be days before we get to Luna's village."

"At least we know we're going in the right direction." Bellamy pointed out, wincing when the Rover hit yet another bump, making my head bash into the headrest.

We had been driving for I don't know how long; the rain steadily picked up the longer we went. It was now pouring rain outside, with the huge drops of water ferociously hitting the windshield, making me squint to look through it, and the fast-moving windshield wipers from the passenger seat.

The rain currently matched my tired mood. "Yeah, and that's all we know." At my words, Bellamy looked over at me, concerned, eyes now flickering between me and the path ahead of us. He received a tight-lipped smile from me that attempted to convey that I was all right. Even though I didn't show it, his looked soothed the raging emotions running inside of me, and staring at him was a good distraction — just looking at him, taking in all the little scars littering his face. I frowned when looking at the deep gash on his cheek, knowing it came from Octavia.

"We're running out of daylight. We should stop in the sun and recharge the battery." Jasper continued.

"What sun?" Clarke countered from beside Jasper, looking through the small side window at the clouds. "We keep going until it dies."

"We keep going until we get to Luna." Proclaimed Octavia, who sat across from the two in the back.

"This her?" Jasper asked, motivating me to turn in my seat to see him holding Lincoln's journal up, displaying a drawing of a beautiful woman with wild and wavy hair.

The drawing was detailed — of course, it was Lincoln who drew it. My mind went back to the first time I saw his drawings, barely two weeks after we landed on the ground. After Octavia had returned, Bellamy and a few other boys brought back Lincoln and his journal. Choosing to ignore the bad parts of that day, I remembered seeing a drawing of the Dropship and a portrait of Octavia — those were beautiful too. Lincoln must've drawn this picture of, assumably, Luna a while ago because his drawing skills had improved vastly between then and when he drew the Dropship and Octavia.

"Yes." Octavia answered straightforwardly.

"She's very beautiful." I noted, looking across to the younger Blake.

"What do you think she's gonna say when we show up asking to put an AI in her head?" Jasper inquired.

Octavia eyed Jasper for a second. "Lincoln said she helps those that are in trouble."

"Well, she better have a boat load of help because God knows we're in trouble." I remarked.

"She'll help us." Octavia asserted.

Suddenly, Bellamy slammed on the brakes, pulling the Rover to an abrupt stop, sending me flying forward. My side that Emerson had harshly kicked banged into the dashboard, evoking groans to come from my lips. I shook my head before looking up, seeing a fallen tree blocking our path, causing the sudden stop.

"Sorry." Bellamy apologized, looking over at me contritely before looking out the windshield and letting a sigh escape his mouth.

"You think she can help us find a better map?" Said Jasper.

"Backtrack." Stated Bellamy, oblivious to his sister, who was already trying to climb out of the Rover. "Find somewhere where the trees aren't so bad."

"Bellamy—" I started, trying to notify him of Octavia's actions but was cut off by him when he noticed his sister jumping out the back himself.

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